Chapter Thirteen

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Out back behind The Temple, a two-seater air speeder awaited the Sith and his lady love. With blacked out rims, a dark-tinted canopy top, and an engine that would rival that of a star fighter, Hex's definitely a spellbinding mode of transportation. Once passing through the club - purely for the exterior cameras in case anyone were to question their whereabouts - the couple climbed into the gang leader's ride.

"Just sit back and relax, babygirl." Vader grinned, bringing the engines to life. "We're spending the evening at my place; I plan to make you dinner and then we can watch movies, play games, talk - whatever you want to do afterward." Padmé bit her lip, a little uneasy at the thought of being at his home. In truth, she should indifferent about the whole thing - they were both capable adults who could do whatever they wanted. It wasn't until a little voice in the back of her head told her to be cautious of his intentions. Jobal had ingrained all sorts of morals into her, most of which would carry her to marriage. While she didn't agree with all of them, they were still in the corner of her mind waiting to remind her of their existence.

"You alright?" Vader reached over and grabbed her hand that laid between them on the leather bench. "I'm fine," Padmé promised, giving his hand a squeeze. "I'm just excited that's all." He smiled, giving her a gentle tug. "Come here, babygirl; sit with me." She was all too eager to curl up under his arm; she'd been freezing thus far in the night. "You know, you wouldn't be so cold if you actually wore clothes that covered you." He teased her when he felt the prominent goosebumps on her arm. With his mind, he flicked the air conditioner to the lowest setting. "Forgive me for thinking that the summer heat would last longer... Besides, if I'm cold, it's just another excuse I have to get close to you." Padmé grinned, her eyes shut against his shoulder.

"Damn right it is." Vader kissed her temple. The two flew off the mother 'land in a comfortable silence, heading towards the western island - or brother, to the locals.


"Wow, V, this place is beautiful

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"Wow, V, this place is beautiful." Padmé's beau helped her out of the speeder, a beautiful home ahead of her. The exterior was an off-white color with gray roofing, plus lots of intricate carvings and archways. "It was a gift from my father to my mother when we arrived on Scarif." Vader led his girl between the neatly-trimmed hedges as they ventured towards the house. "I haven't had the heart to move out since..." He brought them to a halt near a white marble fountain in front of the home. His girlfriend tightened her hold on him, her thumb stroking the back of his hand.

"I'm sure they'd be happy that you haven't left, Vader."

"I hope you're right..." The Sith pressed his lips to her forehead, gathering her in his embrace for a moment. "I wish they would've gotten to meet you." He smiled sadly as he took her hands. "Enough reminiscing on the past, I just want to celebrate and think about us tonight." With that, Vader led his canary up to the front door. Padmé bit her lip in excitement as he brought her inside the spacious foyer.

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