Chapter Three

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Vader's sleek, black bike pulled up to the cafe about twenty minutes later.

While he shut off the engine, Padmé slid off the bike and removed the helmet from her head. She shook out her curls as the Sith dismounted his bike - only to lean up against it. "Thank you for everything... I couldn't have wished for a better night." She bit her lip, standing in front of him. "There's no need to thank me, doll. I'm just glad that we met and that I got to spend my evening with you." He gently took the helmet from her hands and secured it to the back of his bike. "Before I let you go for the night, I've got just one question for you." She smiled as he took her hands. "What's that?"

"How would you like to fill the vocalist position at my club?"

She gasped as he continued. "You'll have to work a few nights a week but we can discuss the details later. You'll be paid generously for your services and will get bonuses for any special events or parties that you might work... I'll draw up an official contract tonight and have it ready for you to look over tomorrow if you can come down to the club before we open." Vader continued, sensing her growing excitement. "Are you being serious right now?" She squealed, trying not to jump for joy. "Absolutely. I think you are extremely talented and know how to work for the crowd's attention. Plus, I'd love to see you more... What do you say?" He smirked, tugging her close enough he could slide his hands behind her back. Padmé was about to say yes but then stopped herself.

"I want to say yes but I need to discuss it with my mother." Before he could speak, she pressed a finger to his lips. "I work for her during the days with her and I don't know if she'll be okay with me taking on another job somewhere else. I need to discuss it with her in the morning but I promise - no matter what - I will come by before the club opens with an answer. Is that okay?" Vader nodded, bringing her in for a hug. "I hope she says yes because I want to see you again and hear you sing... Damn girl, how are you not famous for that voice of yours? I wasn't expecting that honestly."

"Did you think I was going to sound terrible?"

"No, I knew you'd be good. I just wasn't expecting to be so blown away or to see the crowd chanting for you. Tweety, Tweety, Tweety..." He whisper-mocked, drawing a laugh from her. "Well, thank you... What time should I come by?" She slid her hands down to rest on his biceps as he held her. "Seventeen-hundred. I'll have a contract ready for you to go over with me when you get there. Come as you are, I'll be waiting..." Vader went in for a kiss but she covered his mouth with her hand.

"You might be my boss tomorrow. I don't know if kissing the boss is exactly appropriate."

"Well, I'm not your boss officially yet, now am I?" He narrowed his eyes at her playfully, their foreheads pressed together. "I suppose you're right, it's not official yet..." She teased, nudging his nose with her own. "Come here then, while it's still appropriate." He pulled her a little closer, going in for a kiss once again; this time, he got it.

Vader sighed, moving one of his arms up to rest on her shoulders. Padmé smiled against his lips, her hands running up to his hair and neck. Their kiss was slow and sweet, nothing too crazy - save the ghost-like sparks they felt. She politely pulled away, hiding her face in his shoulder. He smiled, embracing her once more. "Goodnight, babygirl... I'll see you tomorrow." She stepped back and grabbed the helmet, unclasping it from the back. "Be safe. Can't come see you if you wreck..." She taunted him, giving his cheek a quick peck before sliding the helmet over his head. With that, Padmé stepped back and Vader revved the engines again. She waved him off as he sped away, heading back towards his territory no doubt.

With a blissful sigh, the brunette waltzed inside the diner and locked the door behind her. She took her heels off inside the door, relieved when her feet hit the cold checkered tiles. As quietly as possible, Padmé tiptoed upstairs and opened the door to their apartment - it was unlocked already... She shook aside her momentary confusion and went inside, seeing nothing but pitch black as she shut and locked the door behind her.

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