Chapter Twenty-Nine (NSFW)

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Vader set Padmé down on the fresher tile floor, making sure she was steady before letting go. "Daddy's gonna get you all cleaned up. Is that okay with you, baby?"

"Well, Satine is gone..." Padmé had her arms behind her back as one hand twirled a curl. The Sith turned on the rainfall shower, bringing her into the shower glass with him. "Wait, our clothes-"

"Oh, these are coming off in just a second..." A primal sense of desire flowed over him as Vader unabashedly scanned his girl's body. She wore a thin, white crop top with spandex short shorts that barely covered all of her butt. He stepped back into the rainfall, gently pulling her under the showerhead. Padmé gasped, feeling a hard bulge press into her hips. Her tee-shirt quickly became transparent, revealing that she wasn't wearing a bra beneath it. "Fuck, baby..." Vader hissed, running a thumb over one of her breasts. "I thought you weren't wearing a bra; I got a glimpse when you came down the stairs. Good thing I was the only one who could see it..." He rolled the tip between two fingers, stepping between her legs. They're so pretty, and they look delicious... Can Daddy have a taste?" Padmé suddenly felt weak in the knees, grateful for his leg half-supporting her. "Please, Daddy..."

Vader pinned her against the shower wall, using his mind to adjust the shower-head accordingly. He held both of her wrists in one hand, his knee keeping her from escaping his hold. The Sith peeled the t-shirt up, making her hold it by putting the hem between her teeth. "So perky..." He growled, rolling the other nipple until it hardened now. "Don't drop the shirt." His left hand kept her hands in place while his right hand traveled down to her stomach. Padmé whined, feeling his hand drag lower towards her shorts. "Are you trying to torture me?"

"I could ask you the very same..." He taunted her, the very tips of his fingers under her waistband. "What to taste first... Any suggestions?" As he questioned her, his lower hand dove straight under the fabric; she decided to forego all undergarments. Padmé groaned, her hips rolling into his palm. "That's a fabulous place to start... Keep your hands above your head." The gangster released her wrists, kneeling in front of her hips. He smirked at her, gently grabbing her chin to make her look at him. Padmé dropped the shirt out of her mouth with a moan. "You let go before Daddy said to... but that's okay this time. I want to hear from you." He nuzzled his nose into the smooth skin beneath her navel. As he went down further, Padmé leaned her head back; her mouth opened when his mouth found her smooth lips. She barely felt him pull off the skin-tight shorts; she kicked them off to the side. "Daddy..."

"Let's see if I can find the cream..." Vader licked his way between her folds, the tip of his tongue sliding up and down the divide between them. Padmé grasped her hands together, determination keeping them above her head. She looked up, feeling him dive deeper with his face. The Sith reached up from behind her, massaging one of her hips. "I think we should..." He paused between intimate kisses. "...get cleaned up and get in bed early tonight." Vader squeezed one side of her bum, burying his face in her most intimate place. "What do you think?"

"That sounds perfect..!" Padmé was beside herself, wondering if it was so easy to grab his attention. With Satine being in the house or her family being over, the couple hadn't been spending so much time alone together. Her partner was full of surprises, completely catching her off guard by initiating things with her in their shower. "Right there, oh my gods..." She turned to look down at him, nearly losing herself at the sight. She almost lost complete control, his blue eyes catching her off guard. Vader stared up at her, his lips playing at the tiny bundle of nerves normally hidden from him. He could feel that she was ready to give in to his advances, but didn't want their foreplay over with so quickly. With a final, agonizing lick of her center, the Sith got back to his feet. One of his hands gently wrapped around her neck; the other reached back down to finish what he'd started. "Fuck, you taste so good... I knew that was pineapple juice at breakfast." Vader growled, going in for a deep kiss. His tongue swiped through her mouth, their mouths tangled together soon after. "You're close, aren't you?"

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