Chapter Five

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Padmé didn't even bother hiding her confusion, watching Vader toss the contract and pen forward onto the coffee table. "Yes, babygirl, you're my shining star now." He smiled, sitting back in the corner of the couch. "Now that you're officially an employee of The Temple, you'll be seen as my girl." Her eyes narrowed ever so slightly. "As in..."

"As in no man is going to have enough gall to try and mess with you again." He explained, half-lying at this point. Ever since their kiss the night before, Padmé hadn't left his mind once. Now that she would be working at his club, he'd have the opportunity to try and court the gorgeous singer. "Oh... I suppose that's a good thing then, thank you for that sense of security." He nodded, holding an arm out towards her. "Of course, I take the utmost care of my people... Come sit with me."

"Are you sure that's appropriate, boss? It's official now." Padmé smirked, thinking back to their bantering the prior evening. "Besides, don't I have to start tonight?"

"That depends on you if you want to start this evening but you definitely have to be here for when I announce you as the contest winner." Vader gently grabbed her arm, bringing her over to lean against his open side. "Tonight, get comfortable and relax. I'm gonna show you around and we're gonna get to know each other a little better... Tonight's about getting used to myself and the club." Padmé merely nodded, curling up beside him. She smiled when he began playing with her hair, his warm hand smoothing over her curls. "You and I will be together most of the night unless you're performing... We'll sit in this box, maybe go downstairs and dance on occasion... Sometimes when I've gotta meet important people, I'll want you with me."

"Okay." She sighed, completely relaxed beside him. "Are there other people that lounge in here with you?" He shook his head, looking down at her peaceful expression. "No, it's just you and me... My boys might pop in from time to time but it's normally just going to be the two of us. Perhaps we should-"

"Boss." Rex stormed into the box, looking out the window rather than at them. "Here." Vader reluctantly released Padmé and stood up, keeping her close but not touching her. "What's the word?" He inquired, alarmed by his right-hand's concerned force signature. "Bluebirds out back, four of 'em." Vader's eyes widened. "Get the boys, be there in two." Rex jogged out of the box, leaving the Sith and his canary alone.

"Okay, baby, listen up. I know it's gonna sound kind of scary but I need you to stay in this room until I come get you." Vader held Padmé's face in his hands, angry that their time had been interrupted by the enemy. "I need you to lock the door behind me and keep the curtains closed, okay?" She started to tense up, fear swirling in her eyes. "Vader, what's happening? Why do I have to stay in here?" He shushed her softly, pressing a calming kiss to her forehead. "Let's just say that the turf war is still as hot as it's always been... I've gotta go. Promise me you'll stay in here until I come get you."

"But Vader, I could-"

"Promise me, Padmé... I can't have you getting hurt." His baritone voice dropped deeper on the latter, a more menacing tone to it. "I promise... be careful." She quickly embraced him, his whole body having rigidness to it. Vader caught her chin and gave her one last look. "Remember, lock the door and close the curtains. Don't open the door for anyone but me." Padmé only nodded, sighing as he kissed the top of her head before hurrying out of the box. She immediately locked the panel behind him then rushed over to the curtains. Once she'd carried out his orders, the singer made her way back over to the couch and kicked off her heels. Padmé made herself comfortable and looked towards the door, anxious for him to come back.


"Well, well, well... look what the shaak dragged in."

Vader surveyed the four Jedi on the ground in front of him, his lip curled in disgust. "ETA on the twins?" He looked over towards Rex. "Ten minutes and counting, sir." He reported, satisfying the Sith. "Good... now, Jedi, why don't you tell me who's ballsy idea it was to come to my club on my territory, huh?" Vader growled, eyeing the beings before him. The leftmost one was Plo Koon, an alien known for sabotaging Sith vehicles. He'd dressed as part of the catering crew, the Jedi sticking out like a sore thumb. Beside him was Aayla Secura who'd been the lucky Twi'Lek to get caught first. She was the reason that the Sith first noticed the enemy's close proximity. On the other end of the line was Mace Windu, a recurring thorn in Vader's side since he'd taken over after his step-father. That Jedi was one of the rival gang's leaders and had attempted to sneak in the back. Between the dark-skinned human and the alien was yet another alien, one he hadn't seen before. She was scantily clad, trying to pass herself off as a dancer for the club - too bad The Temple didn't have dancers.

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