Chapter Twenty-Five

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"Good morning, Tweety."

Padmé looked up from her cup of tea, seeing her beau's sister yawning as she came over. "Morning, Satine. How'd you sleep?" Satine crossed her legs under her as she sat across from the brunette. "I didn't think I would've been able to sleep last night, but I did. It was so quiet when Fixer brought me home - I was shocked."

"Why's that?"

"Because I know you and my brother left early to get it in last night." Be the oversized shirt she was wearing or the extra glow, Padmé grinned sheepishly at her. "Listen..."

"Nope, I don't want details." Satine laughed. "I'm just glad I was given plenty of time away and didn't have to listen to you two go at it all night." She further teased the singer, seeing the rosiness of her cheeks burn. "Where is he anyway?" Padmé shrugged, finishing her cup of tea. "I don't know."

"You don't know?" Satine raised a brow. "I don't know," Padmé confirmed, getting up from her seat. "I'm going to get another cup, want one?" She turned and walked into the kitchen, the blonde hot on her tail. "No, you don't get to just change the subject like that... Pour." She grabbed a nearby mug and placed it in front of her. "What happened?"

"I'm not giving you details, so don't assume and interrupt." Padmé gave her a pointed look, grabbing the pot of teabags and steaming kettle. "I don't know where he is because he wasn't there when I woke up. I... It was our first times, last night... Together." She paused, picking out her bag of tea. "I didn't expect to wake up alone afterward... It's not like V to not be there in the morning. Usually, he wakes me up or comes to get me after a shower. This morning, he's just... not here at all."

"Again, no details of your tryst with my brother here, but..." Satine retrieved a lemon from a hanging fruit basket along with a knife. "Did it go well last night? Like were you guys happy? Did he say anything weird?" Padmé only shook her head. "Not that I can think of... He was sweet, gentle... passionate..."

"Shut up!" Satine squealed, bringing both of them into a round of laughs. "Anyways, take it from me... I've had many a' nights in my years and some men just don't like to stay and cuddle the next morning. Plus, nothing's saying he didn't have an emergency with the gang during the night." Padmé dipped her head to the side, considering it. "Yeah, that could be it. He's very adamant about keeping me and his gang separate. Knowing him, he'd probably reason that he didn't want to wake me up for something that doesn't concern me..." They started laughing again, only stopping when the sound of the back door opening and closing registered.

"Well, well... Baby brother, we thought you'd gone AWOL."

Vader stood at the end of the island, absolutely drenched in sweat. He wore only a pair of running shorts, leaving his ridiculously muscular torso glistening for all to see. His wavy hair was stuck against his brow, a smile blooming on his sweaty face. "Hey,, baby."

"Hi V... Next time you go running, at least let me know you're leaving." Padmé padded over to him, stood on her toes and gave him a peck. "Now go shower."

Satine sat back a look of impressment on her face, watching her usually alpha-male brother obediently head upstairs. "How do you do that?" She laughed, turning her eyes back to the petite brunette. "Magic..." Padmé rolled her eyes, finishing her final cup of tea and setting it in the sink. She proceeded to push past Satine, skipping up the stairs.

"Where ya going, shorty?"

"To take a shower, of course."


Ben finished loading everything into the skiff before turning to his dad and future step-mother. They were going back over to Brother Island to stay with Padmé for the night, Vader and his relative only hosting them to please the songstress. Jobal was already in the backseat with his father, the young man loading the final duffles into the back. "Son, did you manage the last few bags? The blue ones I set-"

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