Chapter Thirty-One

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     "As much as I didn't want you to ever be here, this... is the Sith HQ."

     Vader anxiously rubbed one of her dainty hands in his lap. "This is one of our medical suites... Do you remember what happened tonight? Maybe how it happened?" He watched as Padmé's eyes glazed over, sensing her pulse beating on a slow crescendo. "I was on stage, helping Cortez..." She paused, her voice emotionless and hollow. "Helping him hype up the crowd. He grabbed another mic then walked around his control table. Once we grabbed everyone's attention, I noticed one man staring straight at us. He was standing in the back half, holding... holding a sniper rifle on his shoulder. Cortez must've seen him too because the next thing I know, he's jumping in front of me." Tears fell from her eyes like rivers as she recounted the evening's events. "Next thing I know, we're under his station and he's... he was... Oh, Cortez..." Her head fell, both her hands coming up to tangle in her hair.

     Jobal and Vader looked at each other, both wanting to comfort her. He nodded to his girl's mother, knowing she would be the best choice. She gently pulled Padmé's clawing hands away from her, bringing her grown child to cry against her shoulder. "Unfortunately, he passed before the paramedics could assist... He was a good man, a damn good DJ, and a great friend." Vader started to get up, immediately panicking his partner. "Where are you going?"

     "I need to call his wife, Rosie... I'll be right back, baby - you're safe now." The gangster came back over to the bed and gave her a soothing kiss between her brows. "I'll be back in a minute, try to relax." He brushed back some of her hair, wiping his thumb over her cheek. Once she nodded, he took that as his cue to depart; he nearly ran into Kenobi at the door. "Is she okay?"

     "Probably has PTSD now, but you know - she's just going great in there." The Sith growled, shoving past him. "Vader, please..." Ben was right on his heels, the two men heading towards the main meeting area. "I want that bastard dead tonight... We've let him get too damn comfortable on our islands." He grumbled under his breath, seething as he climbed into his normal place. The meeting area consisted of a round formation with a small elevation in the middle. "Sith, assemble." Within seconds, the gang members all surrounded the stage; Kenobi ended up hopping onto the elevated platform with Vader. "Tonight, we are going to hunt down a bounty hunter!"

     Shouts of approval and applause added to the volume of his men's war-cry. "Tonight, a bounty hunter and two accomplices infiltrated our territory. They came into our temple, left bullet holes everywhere... They took the life of our brothers, Echo and Cortez - a moment of silence for our fallen..." He paused, giving them a moment to process the sad news. Once he felt they were respected, he continued. "They also nearly killed our queen... Two lives are enough for me to want revenge, boys, but nearly taking the life of my woman?" Vader steadied himself, his blue eyes shut as he huffed.

     "I want his fucking blood painting the streets." Ben nearly flinched, seeing the Sith's eyes snap open with a bright yellow glow.


     It was just past midnight when Vader returned to Padmé's room, seeing the group of exhausted visitors fighting fatigue. Jobal and Padmé both curled together in the medical bed, Qui-Gon struggling to keep his eyes open from the foot of the bed. his step-sister and Ahsoka took up the small couch on the opposite wall, the Togruta's head in Satine's lap as they both slept peacefully. "I think it would be best if we took them to my place for the night. It's close and safe enough to keep that bastard out..." He turned his head to the side, feeling Obi-Wan observing from behind him. "I agree... Perhaps we can get them settled before we join the others to find him."

     Vader stepped back, closing the door. "Who said you were welcome to come, Jedi? You're lucky if I let you set foot in my house."

     "You know what, Anakin? Fuck it - just fuck it all and then some, okay?" Kenobi couldn't take the constant hostility anymore. "You want me to walk away from the Jedi? Done! I'll never fucking associate with them again." He grabbed the front of the Sith's shirt, forcing himself not to shake the man before him. "I am tired of being treated like the enemy when our real fucking enemy is Rako - mother-fucking - Hardeen. I will not do this with you anymore; I give up, you win!" The older man stepped back, his breathing erratic. Vader couldn't react at first, stunned and irritated all at once. On one hand, the Jedi would be down to less than a dozen members for sure and Sister Island would soon be part of his little empire. On the other hand, he wasn't leaving because he wanted to come home. He was only saying that to solve their relationship's long impasse - or at least that's what the gangster thought. "If it was so easy to leave, why haven't you done it before now?"

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