Chapter Thirty

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Friday evening, things were finally getting back on track at The Temple.

After returning from her unofficial four-day vacation, Padmé made her grand reappearance at the club. For her first night back, the singer chose something a little more risqué than her normal attire. A tight set of leather pants crawled up to high-waist length, the entire side seams of the pants tied together by strips of lace. She wore a deep red crop top, her breasts almost visible from the bottom hemline. A pair of black stiletto boots gave her a few added inches to her short stature; a pair of diamond studs a silver chain around her neck completed the edgy look. Her hair was pin-straight and hung down to her half-exposed hips. Her makeup was clean and simple, thick cat-eyeliner with fluffy lashes and a semi-matte lip-stain the same red as her shirt.

Vader watched his lover perform for the crowds below, her whole attitude that evening bringing out the beast in him. When they'd first met, Padmé was wearing a more girly wardrobe and never wore dark makeup. Now, after finally coming into the comfort of her own skin, she was sexier than ever. Her confidence had gone up tremendously and he knew that her self-esteem had greatly improved from their first encounter. His musings halted, hearing the box's door open followed by heavy steps. "What is it, Rex?" The crime boss turned, seeing his second-in-command stand at ease. "Rako Hardeen is in the building... We've got eyes on him and snipers ready to fire from the shadows. So far, he's just mingling his way through the crowd; he appears to be alone. What's your command?" Rex saw his best friend's eyes shift from yellow to blue, then back to yellow again.

"Bring him to me..."

Without another word, the Sith beta turned on his heel and went downstairs to carry out the orders. "Jinx, Fixer, Fives: search the second level balconies. Wolf, Raiden, Kore; third level balconies..." Before he could continue, blaster fire followed by screams brought their attention to the main floor. Rako Hardeen plus two other shooters were spraying bolts everywhere. "Secure the stage, take them down!" Rex pulled two pistols from his waistband, hurrying towards the DJ booth. Cortez had grabbed Padmé already, laying on top of her, dead as he'd protected her from gunfire. "Tweety, we need to get you out of here." She was shaking, barely registering Rex and another bodyguard shoving the corpse off of her. "Vader..."

"Boss' being escorted out back just like you are, stay under my coat." Rex tucked the petite girl under him, headed out the back corridor. One of the shooters noticed them leaving, spotting the familiar lace-and-leather pants. He aimed for her ankles, firing as one of the club's security team tackled him; it was too late, the singer falling flat on the floor. Five and Echo covered Rex as he picked her up, carrying her through a back hallway. "We'll get you checked out at headquarters, Tweety - just hang in there." He hustled, seeing two of his fellow brothers holding open the exit doors ahead. Fives covered their exit, Echo spotting Hardeen and one of the assailants running towards then. "Canary's the target, get her out of here!" He began firing at the shooters, killing the crony but not Hardeen. Rako threw a blade at his chest, causing Echo to hit the deck with a cry. "Incoming!"

Outside, three black air-speeders took off down the back alley, Padmé and Vader reunited in the central vehicle. The Sith was steaming, cradling his woman as she cried in his arms. Both of her ankles burned from the blaster bolts and hurt from whatever internal injuries had occurred. "Baby, do you trust me?" An idea caught the Sith's attention, drawing from the light side of the force. Padmé didn't speak, nodding her head as she tried to stop crying so hard. "Just relax, I've got you..." Vader ran his hand over her cheek, seeing her eyes drooping closed. He sent her calming waves through the force as she fell asleep in his arms. "Headquarters will have the medical equipment necessary to treat her, boss. I've already sent a comm to your physician - assuming you want him to treat her."

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