Chapter Fourteen

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A/N: College has kept me busy as a bee, sorry for the delay. This is kind of a filler chapter, forgive me. The next chapter will include hints at changes in the plot, hope you'll enjoy this for now. Also, the song on the side? Not to spoil anything, but play it when V and Mé start slow dancing in the private box. -G


The next week was fairly uneventful for the Sith and his canary.

Padmé woke up bright and early to help her mother with the diner, serving until he'd come pick her up in the afternoon. The first day after she'd been to his home, Vader made sure to ask Jobal about dating her daughter. With a stern reminder to tread carefully, Miss Thule agreed and warmly welcomed him to their little family. A few days later, Qui-Gon and his son found out; the younger man fumed while his father merely acted kind for Padmé's sake. Truthfully, neither of them really liked the newfound connection but no one could change the songstress' heart.

It was very obvious that Padmé Naberrie was falling for Vader hard.

Two weeks to the day that they'd actually started dating, the couple was making their way around the club that night. As per her request, Tweety and her gangster beau matched each other that evening. He wore a black button-down half-open, blazer buttoned only once, slacks and boots. Vader couldn't be happier when he picked up his favorite person, seeing her look beyond gorgeous in his favorite color. Padmé wore a skintight mid-thigh-length dress that had a sweetheart neckline and corset style top; a pair of suede black pumps completed her ensemble. She kept her makeup fairly minimal, save the smokey liner and maroon lipstick. With her hair up in a messy ponytail and a few framing curls left down, she looked every part his other half.

"Vader! Buddy!"

The Sith brought his girl to his side, keeping an arm around her; his guard dropped significantly when he spotted the voice's owner. "Kitster, glad you could make it." Vader gave him a smile, both men sharing a brief man-hug. "My goodness, the girls just keep getting prettier and prettier on Scarif!" The green radian joked, his eyes landing on Padmé. She just smiled softly, not understanding his foreign tongue. "Easy, Kit, she's mine." The Sith responded back in his language, knowing he could trust his longtime friend. "Holy shaak, you lucky bastard!" They both laughed mischievously, their eyes going from each other to Padmé and back.

"Uh... I'm Padmé, it's so nice to meet you!" The songstress offered him a hand to shake. Kit did so jovially, happy to see his friend source of joy. "The honors all mine, miss. Just jealous Vader got you first..." She laughed along, not really understanding him. "Alright, Kit, I'll catch up with you during her set." Vader pulled his songbird closer, bringing her flush against his chest. The rodian chuckled, bowing out to go rejoin his fellow patrons.

The Sith brought her over to the dance floor as the song slowed down. "Alright, Y'all, let's give the lovers up in here a chance to get their steps in..." Cortez mixed in a slower song - one just slow enough to calm everyone, not put them to sleep. Vader cradled her tiny waist, sighing in relief when he felt her hands rest against his chest. "I have no idea what Kitster was saying but he seemed nice." Padmé looked up at him, biting the inside of her cheek with her smirked at her. "Oh nothing much, nothing bad for sure." The Sith teased, grateful that the club goers gave them a little room. "He just couldn't believe how beautiful you were and expressed how he wanted to take you out..." Her nose scrunched up in confusion. "But you said no boys?"

"That's exactly right, babydoll." The Sith hugged her a little tighter, dropping his head down a bit so his lips were close to her ear. "Daddy's so proud of you for remembering that..." His tongue flicked the shell of her ear before he went back to looming over her. Padmé gasped, her hands going up behind his neck. "V... not here."

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