Chapter Fifteen

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A few days later, Vader was flying his canary back to her mother's diner. It was a Monday so there wasn't a big opening that night, no parties either. Since work wouldn't have been the opportunity to see each other, the Sith had invited her out for a lunch date. He'd taken her back to his secret cave, having packed a picnic for his lady love. They'd eaten, talked, swam, kissed - it'd been the perfect outing. It was late afternoon when the speeder pulled into Miss Thule's.

"I had an amazing time with you as always..." Vader leaned over, kissing her forehead. "I did too. Hey, do you wanna come in and say hi to mom?" Padmé gathered her things from his floorboard while he walked around to open her door. "Sure, why not?" The Sith kept an arm around her waist as they went into the diner; he opened the door for her. She thanked him over her shoulder, hurrying over to her mother. "Mama..."

"Oh, Mé! You're back." Jobal grinned, kissing her cheek. She was currently standing beside a booth that held Obi-Wan, Qui-Gon, and two unfamiliar patrons; all four of them stare towards the door where the singer's boyfriend remained. "Oh, Vader dear, come on in." The elder Nubian went over to him, embracing her daughter's beau. "I really can't stay long, Miss Thule. I only popped in to say hello..."

"Vader..." Obi-Wan scoot out of the booth, his father hot on his tail. "Hang on a sec."

"I didn't come to fight with you; we're in the neutral zone anyway..." The Sith was uncharacteristically calm, sensing there was more than just four Jedi in the restaurant. "I know, I don't intend to cause conflict..." The ginger held out a hand for him to shake, both men doing so with a firm grip. "I merely wanted to say hello as well. You remember my father, don't you?" As he spoke, Qui-Gon joined the group with Padmé tucked under his arm for support. "Of course. Glad to see you're doing well, Mr. Jinn." Vader was beginning to feel uneasy, something his girl picked up on. "You as well, A-Vader."

Padmé moved to stand beside her boyfriend, an arm around his waist. "I'll be right back, Mom... Just gonna see him off and then I promise I'll get to work after I change clothes." She quickly tugged him outside and around to the pilot's side of his speeder. Vader leaned back against the door, embracing her to his heart tightly. "I'm sorry, I don't... know why I..." She shushed him softly, running her fingernails through the curls around the nape of his neck.

"You didn't do anything wrong, love. I'm actually really proud that you were so chill with them. I know Ben doesn't bring up the best memories for you..." He sighed, nuzzling against her shoulder. "I'm only good for you... and to an extent, your mother. I didn't think it'd make a good impression if I went over and pounded Mace's face in again."

"Who's Mace?" Tweety brushed her fingers over his cheekbone, confusion clear on her face. "He's sitting with them... It doesn't matter, I'm gonna head back to my office and get some paperwork done. Be safe, babygirl." Vader gripped her chin, kissing her lips softly. She inwardly swooned, feeling his other arm dip her to the side a little bit. "You too, Daddy." The gangster's cheeks flushed when she whispered in his ear, suddenly reconsidering leaving her at the diner. Much to his dissatisfaction, she walked around the speeder to the sidewalk. He smirked softly, winking at her as he got into the vehicle and flew off. Once the gangster turned out of sight, Padmé went inside.

"I'll be back down in two, I swear." Jobal rolled her eyes, grinning as Padmé raced upstairs. "So she's really dating the head Sith? You've gotta be kidding me..." Mace spat out the rival's title. "What does she see in him?" Ahsoka mumbled, stirring her drink around. "Like, why would she choose him over you, Obi-Wan?"

"Enough." Qui-Gon cut them off, sensing Jobal's embarrassment - of what, he couldn't quite gauge. "Padmé's a grown woman and can be with anyone she pleases. Obviously, he's done something right to catch her attention. If there's one thing I know about Jo's songbird, it's that she's hard to please when it comes to boys. Besides, he didn't come in here and start anything so Mace quit acting like it." He stopped talking, feeling a soft hand on his. "Qui-Gon's right... I was a little wary of the idea at first, but I've spoken to him and slowly gotten to know the young man since they started working together. So far, I see no reason to worry... Besides, it says something that he was so cordial with you and Ben. I hadn't honestly expected that."

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