Giveth It Back Challenge

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Nicki's pov:

In my profession it is a must that I make a lot of money to make a living, however I can't be selfish and it is not in me to be. So I offer to pay off student loans, college tuition, give back to charities and more. I have a big heart for my fans and people in general, that's just me.

So I want to see if the guys are like me in giving or just plain selfish when it comes to this type of stuff.

So I want to see if the guys are like me in giving or just plain selfish when it comes to this type of stuff

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Rihanna and me get dressed and meet the guys downstairs

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Rihanna and me get dressed and meet the guys downstairs.

"Good morning" I say to them all. They each greet me back.

"Today we will be donating and trading to the NoH8 Campaign. I have been apart of this campaign for years, Rihanna has been apart of it for years and I want to see who is and who isn't a person to giving."

"The goal is to promote the campaign to more people and get them to come to a showcase done by advocates to this campaign later today." Rih says.

"You have the choice to work in teams or alone" I say.

"It'll be easier if we work as a team" Courageous says.

"Let me see hands to team" Rih says. All the guys raise their hands.

"Okay so you can pick your own teams. Six men to each and you have an hour to make promotional posters, cards and flyers. All the tools and supplies are in the workroom. I will see you all in a while" I say leaving.

Rih's pov:

I was seeing the guys pick who they wanted to be in a team with. One team had Captain, Stallion, Courageous, Dreadz, Juicy and PapaJ. The other team had Trouble, Honey, Playboy, Saddle, Noizy, and TonedV.

Their time was up and it was time for us to go and meet Nicki. We met her outside the Campaign hearing building.

"I hope everyone is ready to call the attention of strangers. You have to walk along this strip and get the attention of each person in persuading them to attend the hearing. " She says. "You will hear a loud horn be blown, that will mean your time is up. Get to it" she says and leaves.

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