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"Ok, so you're breaking up with me?" Lia asks Jc as they stand in the doorway. "Lia.. I.. I'm just.. There's just a.. I'm sor-," Lia stopped Jc by putting her finger to his lips. "It's fine Jc. I just.. It's another girl right?" She asked. "Honestly?" Jc asked back. She noded. "It's Corrin." He turned towards me for a half a second and smiled, she nodded hurt-like, "goodbye Jc," was all she said before she left.

The room had cleared with the exception of Kian and Andrea. Kian was biting his nails and Andrea had her head on her palm, elbow on knee, and was siting on Kian's lap. They were so intrigued. Jc turned and picked me up and kissed my forehead. "Thanks for playing with me. I would've said Jenn but that would've hurt her a lot," he set me down, "you're a literal angel." I laughed a little. "Yeah, no problem. You were.. We were acting." I quickly recovered.

Kian slammed his hand down, "RUDE." Was all he said. Jc raised an eyebrow. I walked in the direction of my room but paused on the landing and eavesdropped.
Jc: what was so rude?
Kian: she obviously likes you, you may not know her, but you can't lead her on like that. she was hoping for you to be serious. that was a sick joke man.
Jc: I didn't mean.. She's stunning, funny, and smart but I don't know her. I need more time to know her.
Kian: so go take this time..
Jc: I love you man, good idea

Jc began to jog in my direction, I ran to my room and laid on my bed so fast I felt like I was flying. He knocked faintly. "Come in." I laughed a little. He walked in, head down, hands in his back pockets.

"I'm sorry." He said simply as he looked up. "For?" I raised an eyebrow. "Back there. You know. The Lia thing," he sat across from me on my bed, "I'm sure if I got to know you better, I'd fall for you. Undoubtedly. But I think, the both of us, we don't need a relationship right now. You're going through something I can tell and I understand your decisions of not sharing. And me, I'm confused. I don't know what I want and I can't trust myself to figure it out while trying to keep another person happy." He said with a huge sigh of relief.

"I'm not going through anything." I denied. "Oh please." He laughed. "You think it's fucking funny? Honey, you don't know shit. You don't fucking know me. You know my name. That's it. You don't fucking know what I go through and yeah Im maybe having issues at the moment but im mature enough to handle them on my own. And I sure as hell don't need anyone to tell me what I'm fucking going through!" I screamed.

Jc just starred at me. "Just get out! Get out. Now!" I screamed at him. "Please, Corrin I jus-," he started. "Just get out Jc." I said quietly. He frowned and got up. When he reached the doorway, he turned around and looked at me, then walked away.

I grabbed a pillow and shoved it to my face and screamed into it. I heard footsteps and ran into the bathroom. "Cory?" Connor called. "Shit." I locked the door and picked up my favorite razor from behind the toilet. "Cory? I know you're in there." He said as he tried the handle. "Put the razor down. Cory, I don't know what happened but I heard yelling. It didn't sound good. No matter what happened, it's not worth what your about to do." Connor said, clearly crying.

I pulled off my brackets and placed the blade to my wrist. I took a deep breath in, then out. I don't need to do this, do I? Connor begins screaming for Kian and Ricky. I press down and feel it start to cut my skin. I hear Kian and Ricky arrive and they begin talking about what I'm doing behind the door.

Someone kicks the door. It doesn't budge. Someone else tries, and it bursts open.
I hurry and gash my wrist. So deep the blade gets stuck. My vision goes blurry. I hear someone trying to talk to me. I can hardly catch what their saying.

My world goes black. I can't hear anything.

I'm Just His Foster Sister [#1] // o2l auWhere stories live. Discover now