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It's been about a week since I last spoke to Kian.. let alone came out of my room. Connor comes in every now and then to give me food, Kennedy comes and watches movies with me but never saying anything. Sam does the same.

Kian has tried to talk to me but I don't respond so eventually he gives up. we're leaving for the UK in an 3 hours. We're leaving the house in 2.

I slam my suitcase to my bed and attempt to zip it. It's filled to its max and quite frankly, I'd wished there was more I could fit into it. I finally yank in shut and toss it into the hallway for Sam and Kian to collect.

I grab my carry-on bag and phone, slip on my white flip flops and throw my shades on all while brushing my hair. I toss my brush on my bed and walk I to the hallway, slamming into someone.

Our body's smash to the floor; them on top of me. Our chests beating in sync. I close my eyes. He doesn't move.

His nose rubs mine and I debate on whether it's Sam or Kian. I search for a lip ring as his lips press to mine and don't find one, causing me to stop kissing back and start shoving him off.

"Please just talk to me, don't shut me out." Kian begs. He stands up, pulling me with him, grabbing my hips and yanking them into his.

"I miss you Corry. I miss talking to you, watching movies with you, texting you, laughing with you, cuddling with you, kissing you," he smirks and moves a piece of hair behind my ear, "I miss touching you." he gulps nervously.

His lip pouts but it's unintentional. this is one of my favorite things about Kian. When he's mad or nervous.. his bottom lip puffs out just a little and his eyes gleam.

"Say something.." he whispers.
"I'm giving up on you." I whisper back with a smile. He brings our mouths together, kissing me as he laughs.

My body takes over my mind and makes me run haywire. I start twisting handfuls of his hair, opening the buttons on his shirt, biting his lip, opening buttons on my shirt, walking backwards into my room and lay on my bed.

I pull him down with me, him yanking his shirt off then mine.

I don't think either of us really notice what this will lead to. He starts to unbuckle my jeans and I panic and grab his hand.

I remove my mouth from his, "No.. we can't.." I whisper. He runs his palm down the side of my face and I close my eyes.

"I hadn't even rea-" I cut him off due to embarrassment, "me either."

He looks down at me. He tugs my black and white polkadot bra strap with his teeth. "I think I'm in love with this bra on you." his voice cracks a little.

I blush crimson, "You got it for me." I laugh. "oh yeah, technically anyways, when you hit your head Andrea and I were at the mall searching for your half birthday present and she got you body spray and she picked out like 3 bras and panties for me to give to you." he blushes as well. he gets off of me and throws on his plaid button up.

I grab my white see-through blouse and put it on, buttoning all the buttons except the top four then sticking them in my high waisted black skinny jeans.

"I never understood why she didn't give you the body spray to give me and she gave me the bras." I admit, laughing as he sits down next to me.

"I asked her that once.. She never said." he shrugs it off. He starts playing with his hands awkwardly. I get up and stand in front of him, crawling into his lap and straddling his waist. i wrap my arms around his neck as I speak, "Sit by me on the plane?"

"Sure. You know First Class seats are wide enough to cuddle?" he winks.

I kiss him forcefully. "Or more than quality cuddle sesh is cool too." He mumbles against our mouths. I giggle and start to slide backwards causing us both to fall to the floor; him on top of me.

We start laughing so loud, Connor yells at us to shut up.

"You guys quit making out and come one.. we're going to be late for our flight." Kennedy giggles.

We stand up, retrieve all our dropped bags, and walk hand in hand to the car.

I'm Just His Foster Sister [#1] // o2l auWhere stories live. Discover now