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I lock my eyes shut just at the sight of the contents. A dead bird, a bird that was once flying around is now inside a box and in my possesion. There is a note stuck to the inside of the box just by the birds head. I pull it out and screech as I see the birds eyes flash open, then shut.

"Who the hell sends someone a dying bird?" Jc asks angrily. "You're mine, bitch. Enjoy your 'vacation'."
The letters are like serial killer cut outs, I cringe as it hits me. Fabian.. He's done this before and he's back for more..

Why can't he just leave me alone? "who's is it? Fabo from the ice cream parlor?" he asks recalling a memory. "Fabian but I think so.." My voice trails off and I see a string underneath the bird's now completely lifeless body. Jc pulls it out and attached is a scarf, it was burned.

Not only that, but it was my mother's. I snatch the scarf from his hands and put it and the note inside the box. "We're going to the police right?" Jc asks, questioning my sudden hast. "Hell yeah." I grab the box and we're out the door.

"We're in Paris!" I laugh excitedly as we walk down the cobble stone streets to the police station. "Suprise.." Jc laughs. I stop us both and grab him by the collar of his shirt; kissing him abruptly.. like it could be the last time.

When i pull away he seems dazed, "Petition to do that more often." He smiles the biggest smile I've ever seen. "I love you so much.." I whisper shaking my head at his comment.

"I love you so much more." he debates. We start walking again and he intertwines our hands as we go. "Impossible." I argue. "Nothing is impossible."


We arrive at the station and state our reason for being and they direct us to a glass questioning room. Jc an I sit down in chairs across a detective; the box next to him.

After explaining everything that had happened, start to finish, he asked who we thought it was. My reason could have been anymore profound.

"My ex boyfriend Fabian used todo the same thing, I just didn't bother with the police because there was never a note attached like this.. is there anything you can do?" I ask. "Ma'am, the most I can guarantee is us running some finger print tests, but he may have use gloves or something so that'll take longer to trace back and it might lead to a dead end. The least you'll have to wait is a few hours, but it'll be 3-4 days at the most." He stands up.

"I promise you that nothing bad will happen, we'll have him under arrest in no time, but until then I'll have some security outside the hotel you're at and we'll hire a special driver and a few body guards that will stay no less then 400 feet from you wen you leave the comfort of your room. You're in good hands." He assures us.

"Thank you." I whisper. He guides us out of the room and introduces us to our three body guards and driver.

Jim, David, and Paul are the three body gaurds. all built huge an muscular with black hair styles different than the others, and some basic black clothes.

Andy, the driver, was the opposite. He was at-least 20. He was tall and scrawny with a white button up and black dress pants.

We exchange hellos and we leave.


We arrive back at the hotel and to be honest Andy was hilarious. He kept trying to keep the atmosphere light, like he wanted us to forget he wasn't only there to protect us from any potential danger. Jc invite him and his girlfriend to dinner tonight around 9:30. He was excited and so was I.

He's genuine and very cheeky. Sort of like Liam. I sigh remembering how we just ditched them not but a week or two ago. Jc looks at me and I assure him that everything is okay.

I walk into the room and flop onto the bed, crawling into its comfort; hoping.. wishing that this was a dream.

"Babe, where is TFIOS?" I ask. "Um probably on the balcony, I had it this morning..." he acts it off innocently. "You? you read TFIOS?" I gasp playfuly. "I have a soft side too you know.." He laughs and walks to the balcony.

He arrives back with book in hand and tosses it at my feet. "Have you had tears run from your eyes like waterfalls yet?" I smile as he climbs in next to me. "Only when Augustus died.." his voice trails off as he pretends to tear up, what would be twice.

I open up the tragic but beautiful love story but stop when Augustus tells Hazel she is beautiful. "Do you remember how we met?" I ask randomly.

"I do. Connor said he had a sister and that you'd been a secret for awhile. He arranged a day for everyone to come meet you and I was determined to be the first guy, so I came 10 minutes earlier, now it was only that day that I learned you were beautiful. Jenn and Andrea gawked about you all the time I guess. so I had to check myself. Connor told me to wait, he said I should wait until everyone else gets here, I told him I ha to got to the bathroom," he smiles in spite of himself, "and I snuck down to what I thought was your room and when you turned to look at me.. my heart dropped." He looks to me and down at his feet that are dangling off the edge of the bed.

I twirled a lock of his curls in my fingers as he continued, "I kept thinking 'man she is defiantly the most beautiful human being I've laid my eyes on, then I remembered Lia. I had this feeling in my gut that you and I would work out, and god damn how good it feels to be right." He kisses my forehead.

I smile and kiss him the same way I did as we were walking; abrupt but fueled with lust.

I pull back, "I want my lip pierced.." I smirk. "I think I'd be putty in your hands, you don't understand how hot that is.." he growls a little.

I pull us both off the bed and out of the hotel, telling Andy to drive us to the nearest but best piercing place in town.


Authors note;

I am so sorry for the amount of updates lately but I'm in this cabin in the middle of nowhere in Tennessee and they have poor wifi and sprint service sucks out here.

I hope you enjoy this chapter but it was written when I was fairly scared because of a tornado. i was probably panic typing which means many errors were probably made.

I apologize for the quality of this chapter.

Also, I found a person for my new fanfiction "Clutz" so congrats Isabella!

I was asked to keep her identity a secret for who knows what reason but I believe she said personal but anyways..

I do realize that "Clutz" is spelled wrong and it was on purpose you'll just have to wait a little longer to find out.

Please give it a read and comment what you think so far !!

I love you guys ;*

I'm Just His Foster Sister [#1] // o2l auWhere stories live. Discover now