Body Weight

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Jc had gotten out of the hospital just yesterday, after being in it for 3 weeks. The first 4 of those days he was unconscious, the next 2 days he had multiple seizures, the next 9 days he stopped breathing every now and then, and the last 6 days he was perfectly fine.

The amount of tears that have left my body is most likely equivalent, or more than, my body weight. But crying didn't make me leave his side, I never left his side, well I peed, changed, and bathed but.. I changed when I had to whether he was watching or not. I ate with him and I peed and bathed while he was asleep.

On his 12th day everyone for sure thought he was a goner and we all went out and got black clothes and cried for hours. His parents couldn't stand seeing their son die, so they left the 2nd day they were here. he understood.

Jc even considered unhooking his oxygen once, when he was having trouble breathing and they'd stuck a tube up with nostrils, he said it would save tears and heartbreak if he ended it himself. But I told him that if he killed himself, I would to, so he didn't. I don't think just me saying that I would made him reconsider, but it contributed to it, he knows he has stuff to live for. he knows he's a fighter. he knew he'd survive, and here he is now, giving me a piggyback ride down the street to the ice cream shop.

"What do you want to do today?" he asks as he half jogs down the last steep hill on the way to the shop. I begin bouncing up and down against him, uncomfortably, again. I laugh quietly and then answer, "nothing too active, the doctor said to take it easy.. this what you're doing now.. is not taking it easy."

"Stop being such a mom.. it's gonna be weird to kiss you if you keep acting like this." he laughs and pretends to drop me in a patch of grass near the parking lot of the Ice Cream Shop.

I shriek and laugh, clutching him for dear life. "I'm sorry.. I just don't want to lose you.." I cringe at the thought.. a world without Jc is a world I don't want to be apart of.

"I know, and I don't want to lose you either, but I still let you have fun," he says, releasing his grasp on the back of knees causing me to slip off his back and land on the ground. He turns to me and pulls me to him by the small of my back.

I press my hips to his and put my arms around his neck. "Well, I have my bikini on, we could go to the beach after." I wink.

"Okay," he kisses me quickly, "sounds perfect." I laugh, kiss his nose and then run to the shop.

The worker opens the window up, his hat falls off and he bends down for it, his black hair falling into his face, "how can I help you?" he asks hiding his face in the darkness as he puts his hat on.

He clicks the pen open and looks up at me, Jc finally caught up with me and wraps his arms around my waist. "Fabes?" I ask with a gulp.

Fucking perfect.
Just fucking perfect..

I'm Just His Foster Sister [#1] // o2l auWhere stories live. Discover now