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"Congratulations! Their's nothing growing inside your uterus!" Louis announces loudly. I slide off the tub, onto the floor, and hug my knees. The boys started to laugh at his response but quickly stop as my position changes. Louis and Niall must have run after us, I hadn't realized they were here.

"You were trying?" Liam asks, thrown off by my reaction to the news. "No.." Jc's voice trails off and he slides down next to me, hugging me.

I hear the boys footsteps as they vanish, giving us privacy. "Did you want one?" Jc breaks the silence I was much enjoying. "I don't know what I want.." I break.

Tears fall from my eyes, cascading down my face. He squeezes me tighter not saying anything for a really long time.

"Let's go somewhere." He breaks the silence once again. I snap my head up to look at him. "What?"

"I said let's go somewhere, not in the states. out of the country. Not here in London either, somewhere else. Let's go be stupid and have fun but just us." He smiles kissing my cheek and jumping up. He pulls me with him.

He holds my face in his hands, "You want to just leave?.." I gulp, "I can't leave here, Liam will be upset.." I shake my head and shut my eyes tight.

"Liam will understand.. You seem sad, I'll handle Liam, just go pack." He kisses my forehead and he's off to Liam's room.

I just throw away all the tests and walk to my room, doing as I was instructed. A smile randomly spreads across my face as I throw a pair of shorts into my luggage. A spur of the moment decision; vacation with my .. Boyfriend?

I don't even care about his title. He's mine again and that's all that matters to me.

I zip my luggage shut just as Jc enters the room. "They're all waiting by the door to say goodbye." He smiles, grabbing my luggage and walking out of the room to put it on the trolley.

Connor is first to find me, "Take care. I love you Corry.. Always remember that.. Okay?" He whispers. I kiss his cheek, "I love you more Con."

I hug a few more of them thanking them for their hospitality. Then I come to the last two, Harry and Liam.

I hug Harry first, "I'm sorry," I whisper. "Hey," he pulls back just so he can look into my eyes, "there is no excuse for what she said.. Don't beat yourself up about it. If Liam considers you family, the rest of us do too, little sis." He kisses my cheek and I move to Liam.

He embraces me tightly, "You'll come visit me again won't you? When tour is over I'll be back for a whole 3 months, you and Jc are welcome back, it can be just you, Jc, Niall, and I." He smiles and kisses my forehead.

"We'd love too." I kiss his cheek and we leave.


"Tell me where we're going Jc." I beg for about the billionth time. "Shhh... Just let me surprise you." He kisses me roughly as we take our seats on the plane. He wouldn't let me go with him to the ticket counter. I couldn't listen when they announced our flight. I couldn't know how long we were going to be on the plane for.

Jc even took the window seat and pulled the blinds down, knowing that I wouldn't be able to look out anyone else's window due to the separation of first class seats.

I pull back from his mouth and scoot to the end of our seat, crossing my arms to my chest in a fake pout, hoping he'd give in if I looked sad enough.

He laughs at me and pulls me to him. I give up and fall asleep into his chest.


"Welcome to .." The attendant starts to say, I can't her the rest because Jc's cover my ears. I hadn't been asleep that long, so that ruled out the states.

Jc grabs our bags and we walk off the plane into the airport. I start looking for signs of where we are, maybe a sign, or a store with post cards, I don't find anything of the sort so I start listening to their accents.

Their all heavy, but not British. Irish.. we're in Ireland!!!

A smile spreads across my face as I jump to Jc, throwing my arms around his neck. "Ireland.. we're in bloody Ireland!" I shriek. he doesn't hug me back because he's holding our bags but it doesn't bother me. I'm too bloody excited.

"It's just a pit stop for a few days.. next destination will be even better.." He kisses my cheek and we walk out the doors to collect a cab.

I'm Just His Foster Sister [#1] // o2l auWhere stories live. Discover now