With The Biggest Smile

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I slam my hands over my mouth as soon as the ring is inserted and secure. Jc pays and we leave.

"Why won't you show me..?" Jc whines trying to remove my hands. "Because, I haven't got to see it so you can't." I laugh, tucking my bottom lip into my mouth as his hands force mine from my face.

"The man offered you a mirror. Why didn't you look?" He laughs at me. We walk toward the car and do the routine; hop in the back, look around outside, and tell Andy to drive away.

"Let me see.." Jc whines, pulling me into his lap. "No, I haven't seen it yet! If I don't like it, I'm taking it out and you won't see at all.." I look at him angrily sort of. "You're hot when you act like this.." He whispers into my ear.

"And I'm not any other time?" I raise an eyebrow at him, climbing of his lap. I scoot to the end of the seat, as far from him as possible; acting mad.

"No.. Cory you're beautiful.. that came out wrong.. I'm stupid.. I didn't mean-" I cut him off, "Jc I'm joking." I laugh.

"Woah, you look so hot.." He growls. I realize I let my lip fall from my mouth and mentally curse. He pulls me to him and molds our mouths together.

At first it hurts my lip ring, then he starts playing with it, and for some reason I don't feel it at all.

He bites it and tugs on it, causing me to giggle a little. Andy looks back at us in the mirror and makes a noise in the back if his throat. "Should I put the privacy screen up?" He asks politely.

Jc gives him a thumbs up without releasing our mouths. Andy just silently rolls up the screen and we continue all the way to the hotel.


It's been a few days since we went to the police station and we still haven't gotten any news. Jc tried to keep my mind off things by keeping me busy. He'd make sure my day was packed so that when we got back to the hotel, I had no time to think because I was already asleep.

We'd hiked, saw the Eiffel Tower, went on romantic boat rides in the canals, had romantic dinners under the stars, shopped the tiny streets, and took a few local dance classes.

We went to vineyards, tasted wine and cheese, went to an exotic bird house where birds would fly up to you and land on you. We'd done everything remotely possible for tourists to do and now there was nothing left.

I look over at him editing his video before he posts it. I smile as he's laughing at himself. I get a notification on my phone; Connor uploaded a new video.

I press play and begin to cry at his news.. "he's leaving O2L..?" I choke the words out. Jc snaps his head up and looks at me.

"He didn't tell you?" Jc asks nervously, moving by my side. "No," a tear falls from my eye, quickly followed by others, "I guess the worst part is that he's been depressed for a few months and I didn't even notice. His one and only sister, the person who's supposed to know him like she knows her own closet, didn't even notice .." I nuzzle into his chest and we fall back on to the bed.

"Awe babe.." Jc just holds me, probably to assure me that everything would be okay, but I know it's not, things never are.

Connor Franta. The boy with the biggest smile. The boy who gave laughter and self worth to others. The boy who could make your day go from hell to heaven. The boy who never failed to make you happy all while being himself, was depressed. Is depressed.

He smiled. He fooled millions; even his friends; even his family. This hit me harder than Ricky leaving me. I literally wanted to suffer for him because god knows he's tried to suffer for me.

Connor doesn't deserve to be in the position nor should he have to be. Connor is was so happy, all the time, laughing, smiling; I guess this just goes to prove how much a smile truly can hide.

My phone vibrates again an I quickly pick it up as I see the caller ID. it's the police station.

"Hello?" I try to make my voice sound normal. "Hello, Mrs. Caylen. We've found the identity of the sender. Would you like to come down and discuss or would over the phone suit you best?" The officer asks. I put him on speaker phone.

"Over the phone would make my life a tad easier." I admit. "Well it was indeed Fabian. We're sending a team over to the US to team up with the swat team. He's been missing for a few weeks now I guess. But when they find him, he will be taken into custody." The officer smiles into the phone, obviously happy for me.

"Thank you so much." I smile back. "You're very welcome. Your body guards and driver will travel with you even back to the US until Fabian is in custody. If you have any questions please feel free to call the leading detective. Have a nice day Ma'am." "You too."

The line clicks off. "Are you happy?" Jc asks lightly. I just nuzzle into his chest, not answering.

After a few minutes go by and my thoughts have all been arranged, I start thinking about Jc and how rare I remind him of his importance to me.

"Babe?" I check and see if he's still awake. "Yeah, Cory?"

"I know I don't tell you enough but I love you. Like more than a white girl loves her Starbucks, more that a white boy loves his snap backs, more than Connor loves his cats, more than Ricky loves Miley, more than Trevor loves to slay, more than the world. Matter of fact, you are my world. You've been there for me for a long ass time. You've stuck by me through a lot of shit. You've loved me when I couldn't even love myself. You are all that I need, your so important to me and I hope you know how much you truly mean to me.." I kiss him hardly a bunch of different times.

He laughs a little before he answers, "Awe baby.. I love you so so much, you are my princess and I'll spend the rest of my life trying to prove to you that I love you more than life exists. Because babe we've got the rest of our lives together and I'm ready for the adventure." He kisses me and once again; it leads to some pretty steamy shit.


authors note:

hello beautiful people ! how you like the new update? I'm sorry it took so long, I was on vacation and my parentals took away my phone so I would spend time with my family because apparently in obsessed with the internet. phhss .. maybe just a little.

please check out my other book and gimme some thoughts!

follow me on instagram: kyleigh.cx
pic collage: pxlarxid

love you guys so much !!! :*

I'm Just His Foster Sister [#1] // o2l auWhere stories live. Discover now