I Love You

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"Jc," I plead, "please.. wake up." No response and there hasn't been the last 4 days. I begin crying again.

It was my fault he was in critical condition. it was my fault he could die. it was my fault he has a 70% chance of waking up, paralyzed from the waist down. it was my fault, all of it.

Kian walks in. "how's he doing?" he asks, solemnly. "He's either going to die or most likely wake up paralyzed." My voice cracks when i say 'die'. "He'll be okay.. Jc's a fighter." Kian says putting his hand on my shoulder, taking a seat next to me in the last of the two chairs next to Jc's bed side.

Everyone~ Connor, Trevor, Ricky, Jack, Jenn, Andrea, Troye, Tyler, Wishbone, Sam, Kennedy, and Anastasia~ else was in the waiting room, they decided I was the one who should be with him while he was dying.. Because we love each other.

Jc's parents got an emergency flight, they'd be in tomorrow; we all keep praying that he'll live long enough to at least say goodbye to his parents.

"The thing is though.. He did it because I was stupid.. Because i did something to hurt him and he went and hurt himself.. I won't be able to live with myself if he dies," I drop my head onto Jc's shoulder and sob violently into his cold, motionless body, "I want to die too." I whisper hoping the both of them can hear me.

Kian pulls me from Jc and to the couch in the corner of the room. He lays me down. "I'd hate for Jc to wake up and see me lying with you, so I'll send in Connor to do so. I love you Corrin, so does Jc. But maybe you should decide who you love." He begins walking to the door but turns around when I speak.

"I love you both.. He's my boyfriend, you're my best friend." I say. "You know thats not what I mean." He smirks. "Then what do you mean?" I gulp. I mentally hit myself for asking.

I knew exactly what he meant. He knows I have feelings for the both of them. He also just admit he had the same feelings towards me. But so did Jc, god Jc was my first.. I was his first. That's hard to flush away. Kian is just a crush, and to him, if we got together, I'd be nothing but a rebound.. I'm no one's second choice.

"I think you know EXACTLY what I mean." he says again before he leaves, doing his Harry Smirk.

A few minutes later Connor comes in. his face streaked with fresh tears, it seems like he was trying to hide them. For what?

"Cory.. How are both of you?" Connor asks, kneeling down beside me and stroking my hair. "I'm fine.. Jc's the same as he has been the last few days. Unconcious and probably paralyzed." I say flatly.

Suddenly, Jc starts shaking violently.. I shrieked a little but then it was over, almost as quick as it came. I rush to his side and his eyelashes are fluttering.. Is he dreaming?

Then they stop fluttering and his eyes begin to open. He sees me and a huge smile wipes across his face."Oh my god, you're ok!" He laughs. "The real question is are you ok? Can you feel your legs?" I ask. "Corrin? What happened? I mean.. I remember fighting with you and then walking out of the house.. but that's it.." He says hoarsly.

"I'll leave you two alone." Connor says, awkwardly leaving; his voice monotone. The nurse comes in after Connor and pulls out a pen from her pocket and starts asking questions. "Rate your pain on a scale from 1 to 10. 1 being numb, 10 being severe." She examines her clip board as the words leave her mouth effortlessly, like she'd said them a million times before and they'd lost their meaning.

"5." Jc choked as he shook his head. "And your legs.. Can you move them?" She insinuates for him to see if they'll move. He makes a weird grunting noise and his face squishes up but he slides himself into a sitting position.

"Great. The doctor will be here in an hour or two." She says, giving us no room to respond, and then leaves.

Jc scoots over onto the left side of the hospital bed, motioning for me to join him. I begin to and then stop. "You're not mad at me?" my voice cracks and a tear rolls down my face. "I was at first and then I heard you and Connor talking, it seemed like forever ago, but you said it was an accident, you were caught up in the moment. You said Kian meant nothing more to than a friend and that you were in love with me and that Connor, your family, and I were all you had to live for. I believed it.. I believe you. Now come here." He extends his arms for me and i crawl into the bed and into his embrace.

At first I was expecting a cold, iron hug, like how he felt when he was unconcious. But instead, this hug was warm, soft, and tight. I could feel his heartbeat thudding in my ear as i put my face to his chest. "I don't deserve another chance." I whisper, my lips rubbing his shirt as i speak. "you deserve the world.. This is just a side effect." I feel him smile, although i don't look to make sure.

"A side effect huh? I don't understand?" I laugh finally looking up at him. He smiles down at me, his brown eyes at their liquid gold stage, my favorite. "You know the beginning to TFIOS the movie, well its not the beginning exactly but it's towards the beginning.. I think?"

"It'd be even more perfect if you actually knew the lines." I laugh and play with his hair. he brings my face to his by pulling my chin up with his finger.

Our noses meet and I close my eyes, biting my lip. "you're so perfect." he kisses my nose. "I'm so glad your okay." I start crying again and he pulls me in as close as he could. One leg goes over my two legs the other goes between, his arms around my face and his head between my hair and the bed. I drench his shoulder with my tears.

"Hey.. hey." he says softly pulling my face back so I was looking at him. he wipes my tears away with his thumbs, "I'm ok. I'm here. I'm fine. don't cry, I'm not leaving you here, I would never leave you." he kisses my cheek.

"When I say I love you, you don't even understand how much I mean it. I love you so much Justin. okay? never ever forget that." I stop crying but I'm still shaking.

"I love you all the same." he responds simply and the crashes his lips to mine in the same electric way I've come to love.

"Okay?" he asks against my mouth. I laugh and throw my head back, "okay." I smile at him and we kiss again.

I don't deserve him.
But I'm so glad I have him.

I'm Just His Foster Sister [#1] // o2l auWhere stories live. Discover now