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Simon Cowell.
He was standing right in front me. "You're an amazing talent. Do you fancy a meeting at Syco Records? it'll be while the boys are at holidays.. One Direction I mean."

I smile at him widely, "I'm actually going on holidays with the boys.. Liam and I go way back, he invited me and some of my friends to his parents, they just moved to Bradford into a really big house I guess." I laugh.

"Oh in that case, how does after holidays sound? the day of their return I can have them ring you and all your friends down to Syco. maybe give you guys a private tour and then we can talk some business maybe lay down some tracks?" His accent rings in my ears, his smile flashes and his body shift towards the left like he needed to be head in out.

"Umm, yeah sounds perfect." I smile, looking down at the card. "Let me tell you a little secret. you seem like a nice girl, so here's the thing.. those men that came up to you, their companies are nothing.. they can't do what I can do for you." He smiles and walks a few steps away. he quickly turns back and takes one step in my direction.

"Nice meeting you...?" he asks.
"Corrin." I smile.
"Nice meeting you, Corrin. I'll make sure I get your number from Liam soon and I'll get in contact with you." he smiles and leaves the building entirely.

I walk back to the table, takin my seat next to Trevor. "Fucking Simon Cowell just gave you his card .." he gasps.

I nod yes with a huge smile covering my face.

Dinner comes out just then. A waiter sets a bottle of champaign on the table along with Trevor and Abby's meals. another waiter comes with mine and Derek's and they lift the tops revealing perfectly cooked salmon, mashed potatoes and chicken gravy, toasted asparagus spiced with sage and lemon.

"Enjoy your night." the tall one says with a bow and leaves back to the kitchen.


Derek and Abby had dropped us off at the end of the long drive. "Are you going to call?" Trevor asks, breaking the comforting silence as we continued up the drive.

"Yeah, when I get back from the UK." I open the front door to everyone standing around the couch. I peer over everyone and see Ricky just sleeping on it.

Kian turns to face me, "Hey your home earlier than you told Connor." He laughs nervously trying to steer me away from Ricky's sleeping figure. he guides me up the stairs by my waist to his room and closes the door behind us.

"Have you been just hovering over him the entire time? why is he here? how long has he been? is he moving back in?" I don't know the words leaving my mouth until they've already left.

"He got drunk Cory.. He was puking on himself, falling down stairs, and sleeping with girls he's never even talked to. Sam and Jc found him at a party up in The Hills, he messed upright now and it's because of your guys' breakup. He need his friends and if that means sleeping under the same roof as you, well you'll both just have to deal with it." Kian sort of shouts at me.

"You're taking his side?" I say flatly, looking at the ground. "yes, I am." he spits.

"Seriously, Kian? Do you remember what he told me!" I feel the fire coursing through my veins.

Ricky basically told me I'm worthless the day he tore my heart in two. did Kian not care? or does he agree..?

"No." his voice suddenly turns to sympathy. "he told me I wasn't good enough for him. he said he didn't want to be with a wreck.." my voice breaks.

"Corrin I-" Kian starts, "Save it. Go comfort fucking Ricky like everyone else." I spit and storm out of his room and walking to mine.

I slam the door behind me. This was such a greats night, then Ricky goes and gets drunk off his ass.. God..

I unzip my dress and leave it on the floor just crawling into bed.

I stare at my ceiling for awhile, then fall asleep.

I'm Just His Foster Sister [#1] // o2l auWhere stories live. Discover now