Liam Payne

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"Corrin.. it's time." Kian says, flicking me in the forehead. I flash open my eyes, and we're the only meet left, the five of us.

I stand up as Kian does only because he takes my hand. I link our arms and then drop them. "Kennedy and I .. We need to be together for this." I apologize and rush to her side. she hugs me and we fall behind our group. We take a huge synchronized breath in and walk into the room where 5 perfect, god-like men will be sitting. I adjust my shirt and bra, making my boobs pop out and appear two times bigger. I pull my shorts up a little and walk into the room.

I sit in a love seat with Kennedy, our thighs and shoulders touching. There is one love seat to my left, one to kennedy's right and a huge long couch in front of Us (Ken and I).

The door opens and Zayn walks in first. He has white skinny jeans on, a pastel pink wife beater, and a pastel orange leather jacket. We all stood as Niall followed Zayn, he was in black super skinny jeans and an orange soccer muscle shirt. next was Liam, he was in basketball shorts the color of my hair, and a plain white tank top, then came Louis who wore a white tee with red stripes, red skinny jeans, and the same black tennis shoes as the other boys. the door slams after him.. no harry?

Niall walks and hugs me, "nice to meet you, I'm Nialler." I embrace him and his grasp tightens, "I'm Corrin." I smile as he pulls away. the rest of the boys hug someone else from the group then they trade until everyone has been hugged and introduced.

"Harry's just in the gentlemens' room." Zayn laughs. "So, the way this works, if you don't know already, you normally have 20 minutes to hang with us, but you're the last group so you get an hour." Liam says.

"But we don't have anything after this so.. you can virtually take as long as you'd like." Harry says as he walks into the door. he has on black tight fitted slack, a pastel floral shirt, and a salmon blazer that matches a shade of one of his flowers. His hair isn't pulled back by a head band. it's in it's prime again; just like 2010.

He goes to Anthony first, and looks at me over his shoulder and winks. "harry." he says sly, introducing himself to Anthony. "I'm Anthony, I love you." Anthony laughs as does Harry. "thanks man, love you too." they release each other and he moves to me. "nice tattoo, I have the same thing on my hip," he pulls up his shirt revealing a side ways cross and my favorite quote; he only gives us what we can handle.

He pulls me into him, "I'm Corrin." I say smally. he pulls away and takes a peak down my shirt, I'm positive only I saw it because Kian would have beat his ass.

"Nice to meet you." he winks. after he hugs the rest, he sits down next to louis. Kennedy squeals, "May I?" she asks holding up her camera. Louis and Harry nod, knowing what she's suggesting, and place their arms around each other and press their noses together, closing their eyes.

A tear falls down my face. Kian quickly wipes it away, saving me from embarrassment. "so what do you want to do?" Zayn asks everyone, clapping his hands together loudly.

"We could rent out Put Put, Golf Carts, and Mini Golf for the day over at the local mini golf course." Harry suggests.

We all nod yes or say yes and the 5 gods hop up, pairing with one of us.

Liam and Anthony.
Niall and I.
Zayn and Kian.
Louis and Stasia.
Harry and Kennedy.

I smile and feel Kennedy yanking on me. Niall and I fall back and walk with Harry and Ken to wherever they were taking us. "So you're how old, you two?" Harry asks Ken and I.

"We're both 19, almost 20." Ken answers for us both. "and do you," Niall pokes me playfully in the side and I squeal, "ever talk?"

"Have you ever met the 5 people that altered your life so dramatically and just felt like you had to please them, like you had to show them that their efforts cause miraculous healing, and that you want to be perfect enough for them to consider you friends and keep in touch with you? No, just me?" I laugh, and earn a giggle from Ken.

Harry leads he in front of us and Niall and I are suddenly alone.. at the back. we exit the building and turn a corner.. it's not late but no one recognizes them. no one.

"I'm guessing you have a lot of fears." Niall laughs. "you have no idea." I look at him, his eyes are sparkling and he has a huge smile across his face. "why are you looking at me like that?" I laugh. "because you're beautiful." he laughs back.

"What is with all the TFIOS references? no one cared about it until it became a movie and it pisses me off." I laugh. "I'm not joking around and I've read the book, as far as understanding half the words in it I cannot say I do." His accent rings loudly in my ears and he nudges me to the side playfully.

We turn another corner. Cars passing at light speed and still no one recognizes them. "tell me about your family." he demands calmly. "it's very complicated, I'm afraid we don't have the time." I say mocking his Irish accent. "I hear British in there but i won't change the subject.. family? what's yours like?" he smiles poking my dimple.

"My mum and dad died in a car crash when I was 13ish 14ish and I was put into Foster care. my foster is Connor Franta, a famous youtuber and my foster parents are nice, neat, and proper. I just recently figured out that my dad that died was not my real dad, but my step dad and that my real dad was in fact a doctor at our local hospital." I finish. "that took forever." he laughs as sarcasm is like liquid in his words.

I burst into laughter. He pulls out his phone and stops us. he turns the forward camera on and wraps and arm around my waist and pulls me to him. I put my hand on his chest and smile. he takes the picture and then releases me. "I'll upload it to Instagram later. what's your username?" he asks, clicking buttons on his phone.

"corry.lee" I say flat as we walk up to a mini golf course. he pulls up my profile and starts going through my photos. "him? he's your boyfriend?" he asks showing me a picture of Jc and I. I'm sleeping but Jc is awake and smiling cuddling me.

"Yes, He's my world." I say with a gigantic smile. "If I give you my number and I tell you something, can you swear not to tell anybody anything?" he asks, rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly.

"Promise." I stop with him as Ken and Harry walk inside to pay for our whole day to be just us 10. "453-7765." He says as I type it into my phone. I send him the hair flip emoji and he adds me in his contacts as "Corrin(:" and I add him as "Nialluh c:". "spill it." I cough.

"I have a girlfriend. Her name is Jennifer. would you like to see?" he asks and I nod. he pulls up a picture and I gasp. Jenn and Niall are hugging.

"Jennxpenn the youtuber?" he nods yes, answering my questioned. "really? we're friends. she never mentioned even having a boyfriend." I claim, taking his phone and scrolling through the album marked "Jenn my love <3" there's pictures of the kissing, swimming, cuddling, laughing, and smiling.

"Oh, Corrin? she talks about you all the time?" he laughs. "oh really? what does she say?"

That little bitch.

I'm Just His Foster Sister [#1] // o2l auWhere stories live. Discover now