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"Babe.. I wrote a song and need your opinion," I whisper to a half asleep Jc, "dude, wake up or I'll sit on you.." I laugh loudly as he sits straight up.

he tosses me my guitar and I start strumming a familiar melody. My voice comes in loud but meaningful.

"you silence the demons inside of my head

you hold me close, just us in the bed

and you whisper to me that it's alright

I close my eyes and just hold you tight

there are monsters inside of me

ones I can't control

they suffocate my energy

until I'm all broke

I give them the power to drown me

they seek shelter from you

I'm constantly drowning

I'm safer with you

you make me feel free

like demons no more

no reason for cutting

I'm not on the floor

you silence the demons inside of my head

you hold me close, just us in the bed

and you whisper to me that it's alright

I close my eyes and just hold you tight

my head starts swimming

when you aren't near

they stir up emotions

most of its fear

I think of you as I sit alone

the demons inside,

they all go home

so please don't leave

you silence the demons inside of my head

you hold me close, just us in the bed

and you whisper to me that it's alright

I close my eyes and just hold you tight

demons they take over

my past is proof

my wrists have scars

I'm not bullet proof

my heart at times aches

my head some times burns

my hands they shake

and my future takes a turn

you silence the demons inside of my head

you hold me close, just us in the bed

and you whisper to me that it's alright

I close my eyes and just hold you tight

so stay with now

stay tonight

the demons they're back

they want one last fight."

I look at Jc and he's tearing up a bit. "Is it worth showing Simon?" I gulp nervously due to his lack of response.

"it's amazing.." he kisses me. An awkward silence follows and I notice Jc seems a bit fidgety. "You okay?" I half whisper.

he looks at me once then back to something else; hiding his guilty eyes from me. "Jc," I press further, "what's wrong?"

"how do we tell people about our engagement? the boys I mean." He admits but even after it's said he still looks guilty, like he's done something wrong.

"We just admit it when we get there. Have them all in a room and break the news. Jc it's nothing to stress over, okay? Everything will be fine. Connor isn't going to murder you or anything." I squeeze his hand for reassurance.

"He just might Cor." Jc shivers nervously. We change the subject and talk about us having to leave either today or tomorrow because I have to attend The Grand Prix.

School starts in a week and I haven't shopped for any new dance gear or anything. I don't even have my schedule.

"We can leave sometime today if you'd like." Jc subsides his anxiety some as he begins packing our things.

I just shake my head and let him get everything together. When he's done, we leave.


we arrive back in LA at the house and the first thing I do is run to my bed. Connor, Ricky, Kian, Jc and I are the only ones at the house until Sam and Trevor get time off from school so now we can go partying, which was their plan tonight.

"can't I just sleep?" I protest as they all get ready. "Better yet, can't i go school shopping?" I giggle at their faces. "You're asking to skip a party to go school shopping? Are you high?" Ricky laughs at me.

his casualness towards me often confuses me due to our history but I'm thankful that it's easy for him. I'd rather him be this way than us avoiding each other at all costs. I look at Connor and Kian, they've bother stopped what they're doing.

"what?" I laugh at them, their eyes poring into my soul. Ricky does the same and my confusion grows larger. I follow their eyes to my ring..

"Suprise.." I whisper nervously with a gulp.


Authors note:

sorry for the short chapter guys, I've been slacking lately and it's been showing in my updates. my content has become super poor and I feel so bad about it. I've just been battling some issues and haven't really had the time to do anything without breaking down.

I'm sorry guys, it's just kind of broken right now, ha! I'm so pathetic but anyways on a happier note I'm very excited to have 131k reads! that's so incredible!

I love you guys! you truly are the only reason I smile anymore! again, love you !

I'm Just His Foster Sister [#1] // o2l auWhere stories live. Discover now