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"Hey, didn't think I'd see you here." Fabian admits, slyly. "Really? that's funny I've lived here for about 5 years now and .. you've known that since I left the home." I felt Jc jerk back as the sarcasm sprayed through my teeth.

Fabian and I go way back. He was in the same foster home as me, we date once, and we'd kept in contact even after i'd left. he'd never gotten out of the foster home and was released last year because he finally turned legal, well you know, 18.

I felt sorry for him; like any other normal person; I mean he had no family. but he was cruel.. and obsessive. The only reason I kept in contact with him, even after he'd done fucked up things to me, was from pity.

I decide to spare myself from remembering everything he did to me after I broke up with him to leave for America.

He either followed me because he wanted to continue his torment or because my letters sounded inviting by the way I described my favorite city in the world. LA California, the city I now call home, and here he is.. depriving me of a liberty I've wanted desperately.

"Oh come on Corrin, don't be like that." Fabian's laugh booms inside the little shop, I realize he's the only one on shift. "Nina? How is she?" I avoid his remark.

Nina is his girlfriend of 2 years, why she puts up with him.. I don't know. Nina has green eyes like Kennedy, her hair is naturally curly sort of like Stasia but more intense. She's one of my best friends even though we don't talk much anymore, she was in the same home as Fabian and I, but she'd got adopted way before either of us and moved to Italy. When she turned 18, she move to the states, NYC to be exact and then transferred to LA by scholarship to the Grand Prix Dance Academy, were I'll be attending in the next month or so.

I only ask, one because she won't answer my calls and two because she's as mentally unstable as I am.

"You didn't hear?" his voice cracks. my throat clogs and I'm finding it hard to breathe. air refuses to fill my lungs and it feels as though 10 of Wishbone are lying on my stomach.

I shake my head no in response and feel Jc's grip tighten on me as Fabian searches his pockets. he pulls out a paper and hands it to me. I open it.. It's an obituary.. Nina Camden's obituary.

I read through it.. Only a few lines stuck with me, "She lives through her best friend, Corrin Sivan, today as Corrin carries out their dreams to The Grand Prix Dance Academy," "She was a caterpillar that couldn't handle the transition to becoming a butterfly so she collapsed her cacoon."

"She killed herself.." I choke. Fabian nods, a tear rolls down to his collar. He sniffles once then snatches the obituary and stuffs it back into his pocket.

"So.. What would you guys like?" Fabian questions looking down at a pad of paper. "A medium vanilla cone dipped in butter scotch." Jc says. "make that two." I add. he smirks and kisses my cheek.

"$3.60." Fabian spits. Jc hands him 4 dollars and puts the change into the cup marked 'tips :)'.

"How generous." Fabian mumbled as he hands us our cones. "And you wonder why I got pissed at you; you know no limits. you have no decency." I yell at him an then walk away with Jc.

We walk to the nearby beach. "So who's he?" Jc finally asks. I mentally groan but answer anyways, "Fabian.. he uh was in the same foster home. we were best friends, then we dated, and when I got adopted I broke up with him. then he sent me dead animals in the mail and death threats and other fucked up shit but i felt so bad that no one would adopt him that I kept writing to him. Then he turned 18, Nina and him moved down here for The Grand Prix.. I guess that's what happened.. but he abused her and shit so I got mad and smacked him and then smacked Nina for being with him still and I hadn't talked to them since." I explain.

He just nods and sits on the sand. the breezes pushes my curly blue hair back and I smile at how nice it feels. I sit next to him and he places his hand over mine.

A familiar electricity courses through my body and sent shivers through my spine. He laughed, "you cold?" I shake my head no then lean it against his shoulder.

We continue eating our ice cream and I'm first done. he's not even half way done, I laugh, get up, walk in front of him and then pause.

"You got a lot left there cutie." I laugh. he laughs to, licking it slowly. "Well I'm getting in, join me when you want." I wink and take off my shirt slowly, throwing it at him once it's off, then doing the same thing with my shorts. I toss my shoes to the side and run to the water. I stop when the waves are crashing against me at hip level.

It's empty here, this is the least popular beach because there's no bonfires aloud, no alcohol, no surfing, and there's a lot of jellyfish on the eastern half.. rarely any on the western. I'm almost positive this is the western half only because the light house is almost invisible from where I stand.

I put my palms to the water, letting the waves crash over them. Examining the sky, I realize how perfect and innocent this moment is.

How perfect and innocent Jc is.

I can't believe Justin Caylen is all mine. The boy with scruffy, curly, mop top and liquid gold eyes is all mine. the boy who's smile warms some million people across the world. the boy who 13 year old girls obsess over and write dirty disgusting fanfiction for is all mine. the boy who smiles at a camera for fun, the boy who has a better relationship with his dog than his parents, a boy who could say your name and make you melt, a boy who could do so much better than I, is all mine.

A idiotic smile spreads across my face. mine. mine. mine.

I hear him walking towards me, I start pushing through the waves and begin to go deeper. I stop when the water is up to my chin. He's so tall that when he's at the same place I am with his feet to the ground like me, the water is only 3/4 past his neck.. If that.

I smile at him and wrap my legs around his waist and my arms around his neck, putting our foreheads and noses together. "if only you could see how stunning you look right now.." Jc spoke in an awkward half coo, half moan.

I burst into laughter, "does Corrin being in a bikini turn you on," I bite his lip and put my chest to his. "Mhmm." he mumbles against my throat between kissing it. "Justin Caylen.. if I get a hickey.." it's too late I can already feel it and it burns.

He pulls away, a wide grin on his face, "oops." he shrugs innocently.

"God.. You're adorable Caylen." I abruptly smash our mouths together and this kiss was different from all the rest.. he was ready, hungry, hormonal. I laugh into it and he sticks his tongue in my mouth, instantly shutting me up.

After a while, I pull back afraid clothing might be removed and then washed away. "public beaches are not romantic for this kind of..thing." I laugh. he carries us out of the water, me around his waist and neck and his hands supporting my bum.

He grabs our things with one hand and gives them to me and carries us back to the house.

The throws open the door, knocks everything out of my hands, walks to his room, throws me on his bed and closes the door and locks it in 1 minute flat.

He crawls over me and clothing is removed, lips are sealed together, and two sentences are said:

Him: should I use protection.

Me: protection is no fun

Passion and heat fills the air.

Bliss accentuates my body and 'I love you' is repeated countless times.

Sweaty bodies collide.
Hearts become one.
Love is defined.

I'm Just His Foster Sister [#1] // o2l auWhere stories live. Discover now