To Be Honest

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We pulled up to the lot and hopped out of the cab. I guess I'd fallen asleep because I wasn't walking.. I was being carried. I look up to the person carrying me.. Kian.

I nuzzle my head deeper into his chest and feel him smile into my hair. I laugh as he sort of throws me into the backseat of the car. I nuzzle into Anthony and fall asleep again on the ride back to the house.


"Corrin you can't sleep in the car." Anastasia laughs as her and Kennedy try to pull my out by my wrists. I chuckle loudly and then suddenly Kian is pulling me into his chest and carrying me up the drive.

I feel his hands replaced by Jc's and smile into Jc's chest. "Baby.." I whisper clutching his collar. "thanks man." he whispers to Kian and smiles. Kian only nods and walks into the house. most likely headed for his room.

Jc carries me to my room, and sets me down on my bed. He starts heading for the door but I shoot straight up, why isn't he staying..?

"Why are you leaving?" my voice cracks lightly, hinting that I was sort of hurt and offended. do I fucking smell like shit? is he mad?

"I just thought you'd want to be alone after a really long day, I didn't want to bother you." he shrugs running his hand through the front of his quiff-like, curly hair.

I reach out for him when he finally starts walking towards me. He crawls into bed next to me and tucks himself under the covers. "Shit.. I forgot to get tests.." I curse at myself as he wraps his arms around my waist, igniting my memories of our night not to long ago and how perfect it truly was.

"It's fine, this weekend we can get them or something.. no big deal." He chuckles lightly. I tense up, "no big deal? Jc, a baby is a huge deal. not only the money but the emotional toll it can have on a person is super stressful. I don't know if I want that.." I cough on my words a little.

"I know." is all he says. A heavy silence follows his words, intensity clings in the air and it feels like a hurricane has swept over us, leaving nothing behind but damage and debris. I use this silence to think.

I start questioning my relationship with Jc and if he's who I want.. Or if it's Kian. I decide to make a pros and cons list about dating Jc; mentally.

After shifting through my thoughts I decided there was more pros then cons. I feel horrible for even having to question our relationship. This isn't the first time these thought have passed through my mind; it probably won't be the last either.

Jc reaches for my cheek but I pull away. "Listen if you don't want me here.. I'll leave." Jc says, sitting up and moving towards the edge of the bed so his legs hang off. I do the same and position myself right next to him; our thighs touching.

"I'm sor-" he cuts me off, "Don't apologize for how you feel. Kian, you like him. I know you do. I know you think about him. the way you look at him, it says that you love him. Don't tell me it's a lie either because I know it's exactly how you feel. I know because you look at me that way too." He locks his eyes with mine; their glossy and tears look as though they'll be coming any minute.

Seeing Jc cry was torture; it makes my stomach twist and my toes burn. "Jc, I love you. you know that. only you." I whisper laying my head on his shoulder. "I'm not the only one.. I think that you need some time. so I'm going to give it to you.. no kissing, hugging, cuddling.. none. I'm just a friend until you figure out who you want. if it's me.. I'll be waiting. if it's him.. I'll be your friend." he kisses my forehead, and leaves.

I hit the palm of my hand to my forehead; hard and then sigh loudly. I potentially just lost the best thing that's ever happened to me.. he slipped right through my fingertips.

"Holy fucking shit.. what now?" I whisper yell. I decide to toss all my morals in the trash and walk to Kian's room.

I get to his door and raise my hand to knock.
Then I drop it to my side and begin pacing. What am I doing here? do I just want to talk? what do I want? why? why why?

I hear a door open and I freeze. I turn in the direction of Kian's door and there he is.. as confused as ever with a half smirk on his face. he has horrid bed head and a killer shine in his eyes.

"What's up Cory?" he asks; voice raspy and seductive. "To be honest.. I have no idea why I'm here." I laugh.

I'm Just His Foster Sister [#1] // o2l auWhere stories live. Discover now