I'll Stay

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I throw on a white lace no strap crop top, light bleached denim high waisted shorts, and run a brush through my hair just tossing it over one shoulder.

I put on my white Toms, grab my phone and white lace shoulder bag, and walk back out to Liam with a grin still on my face from laughing.

"Have you been smiling that way for what?" I recognize his British sentence structure. I miss it here, where there's less proper grammar compared to america.

"Nothing." I laugh, trying to avoid this as much as possible. "Okay? You're ready?"

"Yep." I pop the 'p'. "Alright, Sam if anyone asks tell them we'll be back in 4 hours tops. Make sure everyone knows we're going swimming at my parents at my arrival. Other than Corrin and I, everyone better be bloody ready." He laughs, but his voice remains stern.

"You two have fun." Harry walks in, and winks as his words sound as though he'd just awaken. I must say it was pretty fucking sexy.

My phone rings. It's a call from Jc.

My heart starts beating rapidly and my smile fades. I run into the nearest room and slam the door behind me. I don't sit. I just stand with my head facing and against the door.

"Hello?" I breathe as I answer.

"Hey, I was just wondering if you have my Ed Concert Tee? I mean if you do you can keep it, Im just wondering.." his voice is cracking, muffled, and almost to the point where I can't understand. Sounds like he's crying.

"Um no, I only have your DC sweatshirt and a pair of your gray sweatpants in my room. You can take them back if you'd like." I whisper.

"Are you ok? You sound nervous, Corry."

"I'm fine, Jc." I whisper again.

"Corrin I know you, maybe even better than you do, what's wrong?" He croaks. "I've made up my mind is all." "Okay.. About what?" "You and I?"

There is a heavy silence, I hear him breathe heavily though the phone. "You choose Kian.." His voice breaks again just at the mention of his name.

"I choose you Idiot. I was stupid to even have thought there was anyone better for me than you. You're what I need, and what I want. I miss us Jay." A tear slides down my cheek

He sighs a sigh of relief, "I'm coming to you, where are you?" "I'm at Liam's, but you can't. There's nowhere for you to sleep here."

"What about with you?" He queries. "I'm rooming with Kennedy.."

"I'll sleep on a couch, I don't care. I need you." I feel him smile through the phone. "I'll have to ask Liam. I'll message you when I know." I smile back.

"Bye babe, I love you so much." He makes a kiss noise.

I do the same, "I love you too." I smile and hang up. I hear rustling behind me. I turn to see him. He's packing. Kian is packing.

"I didn't see you there.. Why are you packing?" I whisper.

"Don't act like I didn't hear, Corry. I'm not mad, disappointed maybe, not mad. I'm just gonna leave so Jc can come.." He turns to the small dresser he's been provided; pulling out his neat clothes and putting them back in the suitcase.

"You don't have to leave just because Jc might come, Liam might say no." "but if I leave, it'll be a for sure yes. Besides, Liam loves you like a sister, he's not going to tell you no and I don't want to stick around to see you guys all lovey dovey and shit." He smiles a little.

"Kiwi stay.." I plea. "I think it's best if I leave, babe. You'll be fine, won't miss me too much. I'll be okay too, I'll be fine." He zips his luggage and walks toward me.

He traps me against the door with his hips pressed against mine. "I think I'll miss you and this though." He says before sealing our mouths. I instantly kiss back, Jc and I aren't a thing yet so it shouldn't matter.

But this time, it's different.. There was no fireworks, no spark.

He pulls away. I don't open my eyes. He presses our foreheads together, rubs our noses, runs his hand down my cheek to my hip, and kisses me once more. Tears spill from my unopened eyes.
"Tell me you want me and I'll stay.." His voice cracks. I don't dare open my eyes.

"Please just tell me.." His tears fall on to my face as he kisses me again. "please?" he cries more, kissing me again and again. "You're kissing me back, just say it so I can stay. Please.." He kisses me once more.

I open my eyes as he pulls back. I move out of his way and he walks out the door. I slide down the wall and tuck my head between my knees. I begin to whimper and shake uncontrollably.

Tears cascade violently down my face. I hear footsteps come down the hall and then in front of me but I don't look up.

"Butterfly?" Sam's voice rings in my ears, "What's wrong?"

"GO AWAY!" I scream running into mine and Kennedy's room.

"Cor-" I cut her off, "GET OUT PLEASE!"

I just potentially lost my best friend. Someone who's been there since day one, someone who supported me in every decision I made, someone who protected me from my own self, someone who loved me.

I throw myself onto the bed, burying my self into the blankets and mattress. Tears continue down my face until there's no more liquid left to shed and all I'm doing is half screaming and whining.

I hear everyone outside the door asking what's wrong. Asking if I needed anything, i was afraid to answer because I feel as though mind will take over matter and I'll tell them all I want it Kian.

But truly all I want is Jc, I feel it. We're meant to be and I can't change destiny. I guess I'm just scared I lost someone critical to my selflessness and to my sanity.

I look at the clock, the time suggests that I've been crying for two hours since Kian left.

"Love?" A familiar voice asks. I instantly perk up and run to the door, opening it and flinging myself into his arms.

"I've missed you so much." I smile into his chest.

"I've missed you too." He smiles back and kisses my cheek.

I'm Just His Foster Sister [#1] // o2l auWhere stories live. Discover now