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We've been in Ireland for two days and have been to so many green hiking areas. We've walked around this tiny town called Grá, which means love in Irish. There are all these cute little boutiques and parlors, I never want to leave.

It's so beautiful and green, I just can't explain.

I look to Jc who's digging through his luggage for his swim wear. I grab mine off the balcony; seeing if it's dry.

"Babe.. you seen my sun glasses?" He calls from the bathroom. "Last time I saw them, they were on the bed side table." I yell back. He walks out of the bathroom an tosses his clothes on the bed.

His chest is bare and his features are being hit so perfectly by the light that I.. I blush as I notice him noticing me starring.

"Get ready, I booked the hot tub for an hour not a year.." He smacks me in the butt with a towel as I pass him to get into the bathroom.

When I'm in my bikini, I toss one of his tshirts on over it. I'm too self conscious to walk around a hotel in my swim suit. I throw my hair up in a bun and walk out.

"You're not going to wear that the entire time?" He asks pulling us together; our hips touching. "No, just the walk there.." my voice trails off, hoping he'll change the subject. Of course, just my luck.. He doesn't.

"Why wear it anyways, I've seen you naked before." He winks and bites my lip. "haha," I laugh sarcastically, "it's not you I'm worried about.. it's other people." I admit.

"You're beautiful, you shouldn't feel insecure." He smiles. "But I do, and I'm sick of you telling me what I should feel. I'm insecure, Jc. it's inevitable, ok? you'll just have to live with it if you want to be with me." I snap, stepping back from him and walking out the room heading to the elevator.

He quickly catches up, one hand behind his back, the other just dangling by his side. I don't question his awkward position, I just get in the elevator and press floor one when he gets in.

"I'm sorry.." He breaks the silence as we step out of the elevator and walk down the corridor to the pool; passing 2 or 3 families on the way in. we're a little earlier for our scheduled time so there's a few people in there.

I take my shirt off only because it's little kids and their grandparents. Little kids will be too focused on swimming to say anything about my weight, and the elderly won't say anything because they have more respect to do so.

We climb into the hot tub and the little boy won't take his eyes from my stomach. "Granma.. Why is she fat?" He asks his grandma, pointing to me.

I blow it off as the manger walks in asking everyone but us to leave, because we scheduled time. "You okay?" I ask Jc.

He's wearing pretty bad and it doesn't seem to be because the hot tub. "Fine, I'm fine." He shakes his head.

All of the sudden, all the blinds on every window or door close, allowing no one to see in and no one to see out. John Legend starts playing softly and Jc grows more nervous.

"Jc you don't need to spoil me to get me to sleep with you.." I laugh trying to ease his unclaimed nerves. "That's not why I did this.." He gulps moving closer to me.

He pulls a blue box out from behind him before he say my side and gets on one knee.

"Corrin Lee Sivan-Franta, there's no doubt it my mind about how much I love you. no doubt about how much pain i'd endure just to see you smile. I realized, when you'd left me, how much I want to spend the rest of my life with you. yes, I'm 20 and yes you're 19 and yes we're young but I don't care, age is a number and love is once and a life time. What we have.. what we feel is something so rarely found and I don't want to let go of this.. of you. Will you marry me?" He's crying through his words and I'm freaking out.

The love of my life just proposed and I can't speak?

I can't breathe?

I'm Just His Foster Sister [#1] // o2l auWhere stories live. Discover now