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"Are you and Kian an item?" Liam's question mortifies me. "I don't really know what we are." my voice sounds hoarse.

I hate this question. If Kian and I don't know what we are, what do we tell other people? Besides that, I miss Jc like crazy. I feel so guilty because he's been my everything and one day I just dropped him. I love him still. I need him still.

"Oh I was just wondering because Sam and him were talking about how cute you guys were on the plane or something, and I just wanted to see what was bloody happening." He laughs.

An awkward silence follows, and he clears his throat maybe wanting me to say something. I just fiddle with my fingers and look at the ground, sort of kicking my feet like a child.

"We decided we were just gonna do some board games tonight, rent a movie, get some Nando's." He stands up and awkwardly walks to the door, turning around once he's in the middle of the frame.

"To be honest, I liked you and Jc better. Everyone shipped Jorrin. Everyone.." He smiles then walks away.

I walk to my suitcase, pulling out all the dye I brought with me.. Time for a change.


I rinse my hair until the water runs clear. I don't even blow dry it, I want it to be a surprise. I throw it up into a towel and walk down the hall, sitting next to Sam on the couch.

"Have you just showered?" Zayn asks, tugging my towel. "You could say that." I giggle. Zayn and Liam start rearranging the furniture.

They push everything to the walls and push the four square coffee tables together, creating a bigger square.

They set 4 different board games on the table.


"So what do you want to do?" Harry smirks at Kennedy, Kennedy blushes.

"Kennedy how's Ricky?" I ask, hoping she'll come back down to earth and remember she has a boyfriend. I sit down at a side to the tables and she sits across from me.

"He's good, Jc and him and going skating around the city." She says not taking her eyes off of Harry. "Did you guys break up?" I ask, raising an eyebrow in her direction.

"No, what makes you ask?" "You keep looking at Harry like he's candy, don't be a whore Ken." I scoff. "What the hell Cory? I'm allowed to look at people. it's not fucking illegal. Who put a pencil up your vagina?" She yells and walks to our room, slamming the door.

"Umh, I'm not up for games guys.. Liam can I use your bathroom, you know because of Ken.." My voice trails off.

"Yeah, no problem. You can even sleep on the little sofa in there tonight, so you don't have to face her if you'd like." He smiles. I just nod in his direction, making my mouth into a straight line.

"Why do you need the restroom Cor?" Sam asks, looking horrorstricken. "I need to blow dry my hair.." "What makes you think Liam has a blowdryer?" "Look at his hair. It doesn't get that height without help from a professional hair dryer. Or Lou Teasdale." I giggle walking to Liam's.

I walk into the bathroom and to the blowdryer. I start to blow dry it.


It took 30 minutes to blow dry but it was worth it because I'm in love. My hair is dark blue and neon green ombré. There are beautiful teal, and green tones in it and I'm in love with how it turned out. It's dark blue at the top and neon green at the bottom.

I bobby pin my bangs back and walk out to the livingroom where everyone is playing Life.

No one looks up at me or acknowledges my presence. I just walk to Liam, he sense me hovering over him and opens up so I can sit on his lap.

I sit down and he plays Life with me like this for the rest of the game. Every time I look to Kian, he looks pissed, but I don't mind. I've made up my mind, I want Jc.

I think I knew it all along; Jc and I are meant to be.


They end Life and Harry arrives back with pizza instead of Nando's, disappointing Niall, but pleasing the rest of us. We pop in We Are The Millers and turn all the couches to face the tv.

Liam pulls me into the largest leather couch with him, he gets on the inside facing the tv and pulls me by the waist next to him, I face the tv as well. He puts his arm around my waist and pulls a blanket over us, putting his arm back.

I quickly fall asleep under his warm presence.

I mentally post a sticky note to Skype Jc and tell him about my decision as soon as I wake up in the morning.


I wake up in Liam's bed. I search for him but he's not with me. I look over to the couch in the corner of his room to find him curled in a ball and lightly snoring. I laugh and walk out of the room as quietly as possible.

I walk into the kitchen finding Harry in an apron; cooking. He's whistling to a song called Chandelier. I can't name the artist but she's brilliant.

"I'm gonna swing from a chandelier.." Harry sings the words and hits the notes perfectly. He turns towards the island, which is where I am now siting, holding a how pan full of eggs.

"GAHHH!" He screams when he sees me, dropping the pan on his foot; only causing him to scream more and louder.

"Harry.. I'm so sorry.." I laugh a little helping him to a bar stool. He doesn't respond, he just howls in pain, rocking in his seat and holding his foot.

I run to the freezer and grab whatever is frozen; a bag of carrots. I run to him, slipping and falling in the eggs.

We both start laughing so hard we forget about this scalding foot. He falls off his chair and crawls to me; still laughing hard and helps me try to stand up.

We both just continue slipping and falling into the eggs.

eventually, he grabs the island and stand up, pulling me by the waist with him. At this point, we're laughing so hard we're crying and our bodies are so close that there's no room between us.

He releases me as we move from the dangerous area. "That was the most I've laughed in awhile, thank you." He smiles and kisses my forehead after wiping the tears from his eyes. I smile back; maybe I haven't been giving Harry the credit he deserves.

He seems like a genuinely sweet guy.
But his reputation says otherwise, I guess I'll hit have to figure it out myself.

Besides, you can't always believe what you read right?

Sam interrupts my thoughts by speaking, "I like the new hair, Little Butterfly." He laughs tugging on a few strands and then slipping in the eggs on his way to the fridge.

I can't believe Harry just left them here. I start laughing and go to help him up, he takes my hand and slips as he struggles to stand; even with the counters help.

Once he's standing, we start to clean up the eggs then mop the floor; so no one else can fall.

"Going shopping. care to join?" Liam asks, picking his wallet up of the counter. "Yeah, lemme just get ready and we can go." I smile and walk to my room. I hear Liam say my name causing me to turn back, but I realize as I get there that he's not talking to me, but to Sam.

"You have a thing for her man?" Sam asks Liam.

"Nah it's not like that." He shrugs it off.

"It seems just like that." Sam smiles lightly and walks off.


I run to my room and close the door behind me, bursting into laughter. "What the hell is your problem? You sound like a fucking Donkey Cor." Kennedy giggles from the bed as I slide down the door.

I brush her comment off as I sit on the ground.

Liam? And I? A couple? Oh please! He's a super star and I'm a nobody.. Super stars don't date nobodys' and besides that, were just friends.

I'm Just His Foster Sister [#1] // o2l auWhere stories live. Discover now