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"Blah blah blah.. so will you come tonight?" I laugh at Kian. We're sitting on his bed watching Spongebob. He's sitting Indian style and I'm laying on my stomach, supporting my head with my elbows.

"No. I can't. I'm supposed to go penny boarding around the city with Sam." he sighs. I swing my legs off the bed and stand. I lean to kiss his forehead but he brings his mouth to mine and pulls me into his lap.

"Kian. i. have. to. find. someone. to. take. let. me. go." I mumble against our mouths with jagged breath.

Kissing Kian was like kissing a hungry snail. his mouth was always wet and it was like he was trying to devour your face but in like.. A cute way? describing it made it sound highly unenjoyable, but it truly was good. I smirk as I pull away and saunter out his door to Trevor's room.

I knock and he sing-songingly tells me to come in. I open the door and he's with his vocal coach, Tia, their sitting across from each other in the fat corner of the room with plastic chairs. "Trevs, my biological dad is taking me to an open mic night you want to come? it's being hosted by his co-workers and it's formal so you'd have to wear a tux." I laugh.

"Yeah, it sounds like fun. um what time?" he smiles as Tia packs up her things. "Bye Tia." we smile, we just waves behind her and shows herself out.

"7." "Okay, I'll be ready by then." he comes to me an hugs me. I hug him back, he's the same height as me, which is weird considering I'm a good 3 years older than him.

"See ya." I laugh and release him, walking to my room. I look at my alarm clock. it's 5:32.

I hop in the shower.
Hop out.
Dry off.

I wrap the towel around myself, securing it inter my arms and walk to my underwear drawer. I pull out a strapless nude bra and nude underwear and replace my towel with them.

I put my robe on and start with my hair. I curl it in perfect spirals, front and back, and pin my bangs back with a blue bobby pin that matches my hair color so it's unnoticed.

I put silver glitter eyeshadow on, then black liquid eyeliner on the lids of my eyes, doing a cat eye.

I line my bottom lashes with white eyeliner making my eyes look bigger, then apply fake eyelashes to my top and bottom.

I put peach lipgloss on and walk to my closet looking at the clock on my way there, 6:48.

I pull the dress bag out and unzip it, revealing my favorite dress of all time.

It's floor length with one slip running all the way to just below my .. Girl space on my left side.

The bottom is a black see through material and the top is silver with gigantic diamonds lining the sweetheart neckline. the top begins just below my bra, the dress sort of has no figure, it kind of just goes straight down.

I pull it off the hanger and into my body. the zipper is in the back so I call Sam, because he's the room next door, to come help.

He walks to me and zips me up. "Whatcha think?" I ask, spinning in a circle.

"You're beautiful, butterfly." he smiles, picking up my butterfly necklace off my dresser and turning me so that my back is to him. He lifts it over my head and fastens it. it drops to my neck and I turn to hug him, after I release he says to have fun and then leaves.

I grab my sparkly silver heels from my closet and pull them on. Yanking my silver clutch and phone into my hand, I walk out my door and down the stairs to an already waiting Trevor, Derek and Abby.

"Woah.." Trevor says. He's in a black tux with a silver bow tie, just like I asked. he looked very different, he's so cute in a tux it was like Connor looked in one. he was young but dashing. awe.

"You look gorgeous." Abby smiles.
"Stunning." Sam smiles from the landing.
"Jaw dropping." Trevor gulps.
"Perfect." Kian smiles from the kitchen door. He fold his arms across his chest and leans against the frame.

I turn to the fake crying coming from behind me, it's Connor.

"My sister is so pretty and all grown up." he embraces me. "I love you, have fun." he whispers into my hair. "love you too bro." I kiss his cheek and we leave.

As I close the door, Kian blows me a kiss and winks. He's so perfect..

I'm Just His Foster Sister [#1] // o2l auWhere stories live. Discover now