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I woke up to Jc watching me sleep, his hand on my cheek gently stroking it. I smile at him and kiss his hand. "you slept so long." he said biting his lip.

"I was tired." I laugh and pull myself to his body, wrapping my legs around his waist, my arms around his neck. He runs his mouth over my hickey.. it's too late to put a frozen spoon over it. I laugh as he grabs my butt. "no more. not for a while. I might be pregnant for gods sake."

"One can only hope." he mumbles against my neck. "you want a baby?" I gulp. he pulls his head back and looks into my eyes. "I mean I wouldn't mind one but I'm not sure in ready yet. but eventually.. yes I will." he puts his lips to mine, moving them erotically causing a spark to accentuate my body, I shiver against him but never pull my mouth away. His bare chest is cold but it's bearable.

When I pull back I take his lip between my teeth and he smiles when I release it. "So what's the agenda today my love?" he asks, butterflies explode into my stomach and flutter around uncontrollably.

"Well.. Ken, Stasia, Kian, Anthony, and I are going to the One Direction meet and greet," his body tenses at the mention of Kian's name, "You can join if that makes you uncomfortable.." I say hoping he accepts.

I know I wouldn't do anything whether he was there or not. I feel guilty for even thinking that I need him there just to remind me of who owns my heart.

"No. I trust you." he smiles and kisses me harder than ever before, even harder than last night. "Don't break me." I laugh against his mouth and he yanks back at my words. "Sorry." He winks.

I climb out of bed and the cold air makes goosebumps all across my bare body. "Would now be incredibly inappropriate to inform you of my hand print on your ass?" Jc asks, propping himself up on an elbow, watching me.

I run to the mirror and turn to the side, Jc's hand print is purple and red on my left butt cheek. I begin laughing so hard I cry.

"Thanks for this love. you've got me all marked up lately. first the hickey now the hand print." I smile at him and fling his cloud bracelet at him.

"Just claiming my territory." those 4 words completely altered my mood. "I'm not a piece if land, Jc." I spit, throwing on a pair of sweat pants (his) and a T-shirt (his). He gets up then, wrapping a small blanket around his waist.

"I was joking around.. Maybe you should go get a test.. You seem kind of.. moody." I hear him gulp as he pulls me to him, wrapping his arms around my waist. I don't move. my arms stay to my side. "what are you insinuating? I can't be moody with out being pregnant or on my period?"

"No that's no wha-," I cut him off because he seemed nervous, "I'm only joking Jay." I laugh. he sighs in relief. I look at the clock; 2:06

I sigh and get on my tip toes and then drop down flat footed. instead of pulling myself up like usual, I pulled him down by his neck and molded our lips together, moving one of my hands to his hip and pushing mine against his.

He picks me up off the ground and I wrap my legs around his waist, he slams my back, as gently as possible, to the back of the door and lifts my shirt up just passed my belly button, placing his can just inches left of it.

I lock my hands into his hair and play with the curls as tension builds. the room becomes the temperature of Hades and we finally break our mouths apart but our bodies stay in their positions. Me with my back against the door and legs and hands tangled aimlessly with him. Him pressing his hips to mine holding me prisoner to the door.

We just look into each other's eyes; smiling.

I look over to the clock; 2:40.

"Jesus Jc, you're addictive and intoxicating. it's dangerous but it's.. " he raises an eyebrow, egging me on, "Whatever.. let me go I have to get ready." He pulls my legs away from his waist and releases his hips from mine. he turns to his bed but I pull him back to me and kiss him harshly before running to my room.

I'm Just His Foster Sister [#1] // o2l auWhere stories live. Discover now