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I wake up with a gigantic migrain and begin to panic at my surroundings.

I'm strapped to a wooden chair in a perfectly sqaure room. All the walls are covered with mirrors. No way in; no way out.

Who's doing this to me? Why is this happening? What have i done to deserve this?

I push my thoughts aside as the mirror across from me lifts up, smoke pooring into the room, someone entering along with the strange smell. As the smoke disappears and the mirror lowers down to the floor, i look to my kidnapper.

He/She's wearing a black sweatshirt that's 2 sizes too big, baggy black sweatpants, black gloves, and a Liam Payne mask. My heart drops at the sight the mask. Could it be Liam? No, Liam would never abduct me.

The baggy clothes are hiding his/her gender: making it impossible to depict who it could possibly be. I start making a list of possible people as my abductor takes a seat infront of me.

My mind draws a blank and no names really come to mind. I look to my kidnapper and see his/her smile through the mask.

"Who are you.." I whisper. He/She takes off the sweatshirt; revealing a black v-neck and boobs threatening to pop out. I gulp as sandy brown wavy hair cascades down her back as she removes the mask.


"I thought .. You .. You were dead .." My voice breaks. "Oh please, me? Dead, honey I'll be alive even when I'm gone." She snickers.

"Why are you doing this!" I scream at her, tears running down my face. I jerk my hands but the rope only cuts deeper.

"Oh Corrin. Naive little Corrin. You and I both know why I'm doing this." She spits on my shoes and walks behind me, cutting my feet and arms free from the chair. She takes a fist full if my hair and throws me into a corner.

"I'll get you some food, when you finish he's coming in." She says and the mirror lifts up and she leaves.

I just whimper in the corner hoping someone will come save me. I hear some rustling a small compartment comes out one of the mirrors containing a tray of food. It's opposite the door.

I just stare at it as I walk closer. I kneel down in front of the compartment and continue staring.

"You have 10 seconds to grab the tray or nothing to eat from the rest of the day." A male's voice comes into the room. I look around but no ones there.

I then see speakers hanging in a corner alongside a camera.

I don't grab the tray and the compartment closes loudly; sealing it self away.

The mirror goes up and a guy with a ski mask comes into the room; a blind fold, bag, and knife in hand.

"So beautiful you are.." He says almost robotically. "Now if you don't do what I say, I will have to hurt you," he whispers sitting in front of me, "and if you don't think I will, then I'll gladly slice your thigh just for fun." He laughs horrifically, rubbing the knife gently to my bikini area.

I gulp, and shake my head yes. "Put this on." He hands me a pair of fishnet tights and a bandeau.

I begin crying as I do what he says. I take off my pants and begin putting the fishnets of my underwear, but he stop me. He pushes me gently to the ground and crawls on top of me. Growling.

He takes of my shirt and more tears fall from my eyes. I don't want this. I don't want this. He places his mouth to mine roughly making me want to throw up. Once he has me completely naked; he removes his pant and underwear; making me puke in my mouth at the thought of what was going to happen.

His mouth goes to mine and once again I do nothing but cry. He brings the knife to my throat, "Kiss me back." I hesitate. "KISS ME OR ILL KILL YOU."

"No." I slap my hands over my mouth as soon as the words leave.

I'm Just His Foster Sister [#1] // o2l auWhere stories live. Discover now