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I still haven't asnwered, I'm just starring at him. I hadn't realized the amount of tears that have fallen from my eyes until they start rolling off my face to my neck and shoulders.

He gulps nervously and I can't help but focus on how perfect he is an how perfect this was, but marrying him was a like guarantee he'd be be miserable or a widow by the age of 25. "Give me a minute?" I ask but get out anyway; I walk into the supply closet.

I start pacing back and forth in the small closet whispering to myself.

He's beautiful
He's funny
He loves me
I love him
Don't forget he's great in bed
He's lovable
I'm comfortable around him
He makes me feel .. Pretty
He makes me happy
He makes me a better person
I want to be with him .. Forever

He's busy.. A lot especially with your coming up
I'll get hate
The fans will be upset
I might kill myself and he'll be broken
87% of teen marriages end in divorce
Divorces cost a lot of money
He deserves better

So that's like 11 pros and 7 cons.."

I begin to pace more, faster. It's causing my heart to speed up.

"Yes." I choke out.
"Yes.." I say more sure as I rehearse what I'm about to say.
"Yes." I say with a happy laugh and a huge smile.

I walk out the closet and back near him. I don't get in the hot tub, I sit on the edge leaning my feet in. He sits on the bench in front of me and turns to face me; the box still in his hands.

"Yes." I shriek. He pulls me down into him, our hips rubbing as we kiss. When we pull back he takes my hand and slides the ring on my finger.

I look at it. It's a gigantic amethyst heart in a gold setting. The heart is outlined my little circle diamonds. I hug him again.

"I love you, so much. You are the best thing that's ever happened to me. When I was a little girl, I always wanted to have a Prince Charming, you know? The classic love story, and that's what you've basically given me. I mean there's been bumps in the road but even Cinderella had to loose a slipper to marry her Prince Charming." I kiss him again, but harder this time.

He grabs my thigh, signaling me to jump up. I straddle his waist and he carries us to the apartment when Pro number 5 is proven, yet again. (;


"... Jc here on O2L. I've missed you and all your beautiful faces. I love you guys, but anyways this week on O2L is Ask O2L. We kind of just wanted a more laid back, get to talk kind of week. So.. let's get started."

I wake up to see Jc sitting in front of his camera at the end of my feet, most likely blocking the cameras view of me. "@Caylenscloud says 'wheres Corrin?' well she is actually-" I cut him off by jumping and sitting next to him and shrieking into his ear, "I'm rigHT HERE!! Hi!" I laugh and get up, walking to the tiny kitchen.

"Well that's the answer for you. @FvckmeKian says 'what's the last lie you've ever told?' Well just the other day I told Connor I got him a pair of silver toms for his half birthday but I actually got him like Hawaiian flowered toms and his Ed Sheeran concert tickets and The Fault In Our Stars tickets inside them." He smirks into the camera.

I pop some toast in the toaster and hear Jc's footsteps, "They want to know what you're doing right now.." He smiles focusing the camera on me. I look down at what I'm wearing. A pair of Jc's gray sweat pants and a sports bra with my hair in a messy bun.

"I'm obviously making our with a donkey.." I laugh as the toast pops out and I start to butter it. "What do you want to do today?" He asks, setting the camera down after shutting it off.

"I don't know." I take a bite of my toast. "Good, because we're leaving. Now actually, I packed your luggage last night, so you can't oblige. Scarf down the toast and let's goo." He kisses my cheek and then takes a bit from the opposite side I'm eating from.

He walks away and changes. I finish the toast and jump on Jc's back as we head for the airport.

I'm Just His Foster Sister [#1] // o2l auWhere stories live. Discover now