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I wake up to the girls getting home. Ken was pissed. Stasia began packing her things, while screaming at Kennedy. "I hate you," Anastasia spat at Ken, pulling her now full luggage down the stairs, i'd been following them ever since they stepped in the door asking them what had happened, no one answered. They just continued to fight and yell.

"I did noting but tell you something your boyfriend wouldn't have. He was going to break up with you, you should have been told so you could break up with him, Sam wouldn't do it and I'm your best friend so that's why I am, I'm not lying Stasia." Kennedy says melancholy.

I smirk a little. Connor was going to break up with Stasia? Awe, my brother's a little heart breaker. Not that Stasia deserves it, I love her and that's a dick move for Connor but it's a milestone. Normally he's always dumped.

I was glad for Connor, but pissed for Anastasia.

Anastasia doesn't say a word, she just slams the front door behind her and drives away.

Kennedy stomps angrily to Ricky's room and slams the door. I just plop back onto the couch like nothing happened.

I turn on the tv to Spongebob and nuzzle into the couch. The boys get home halfway through the 3rd episode that's on. "Hey Cory." Sam laughs as he jogs up the stairs to his room. I get the same nonchalant greetings from the rest of them as they go off and do their own things.

Jc decided to watch tv with me. He sits as far away as possible, but tries to hide the fact that he's meaning to do so by not looking at me and just sitting.

He takes turns from starring at the floor, to his hands, and to the tv. I clear y throat but he doesn't look at me. "Jc." I laugh a little. He looks to me as he bites his lip, and smiles as he quits fiddling with his hands.

"Yeah?" "I don't want it to be weird between us. Your my first real boyfriend, and I'm always going to love you, just more like a brother now." I giggle as he scoots closer to me. "I know." is all he says. I throw my feet across his lap and rest my head on the arm of the couch.

"Oh shit! so Derek, him and his wife wanted to take me to this open mic night that his co-workers are throwing and then dinner after. Do you want to come with? I mean, you don't have to but if you do, you'll need like a tux or some shit." I laugh. "I can't. My parents are flying in tonight." he smiles.

"It's fine, yeah um I'll just ask Sam or something." I shake my head at the thought of Jc's parents coming to see the boys and i. I was nervous, for my own reasons. I mean, I'd met them at the hospital when he got into the accident but they didn't know who I was or why I was crying over there son. It pissed me off that Jc didn't even tell his parents but now I couldn't care less.

I get up and walk to Kian's room. I knock once but there's no answer so I walk in. it's empty. I walk to the window and look out to see him swimming in the pool.

I walk down the hall to my room and to my dresser. I open my swimsuit drawer and start sifting through the hundreds of tips and bottoms I own.

I finally decide on a purple, hot pink, and baby blue cheetah print padded bikini top. it made your boobs look three times bigger. I smirk and toss the top onto my bed. I pull out regular baby blue bottoms and strip.

I yank on the bottoms then do the top in the back, realizing I can't do the claps around the neck. I curse under my breath, holding the top up with my hands and walking to my bathroom. I throw a beach towel over my torso and it holds the bathing suit in place. I begin walking down the stairs to whoever I could find.

Sam. "Sam." I say, walking to him. "yeah?"he asks with a mouthful of gummy bears. "do the back for me." I demand instead of ask.

I turn around and he picks up the hooks. He misses it like nine times. I hadn't realized how close he was standing until I turned around to thank him but slammed into his chest instead. I step back a little after we finish laughing. His face is extremely red. "Sorry." he laughs.

"Thanks though." I nod and walk to the pool.

Kian watches me walk out, and down the steps. he swims from the center of the pool to the ledge I'm sitting on. "you coming to join?" he laughs at my modesty, as I pull the towel to cover my thigh. I instantly remember my cuts.

"No.. I'm going to tan.." my voice trails off as I look around the yard. it's all covered by shade from the trees of the neighbors houses.

"Liar. everyone knows, especially the ladies of the house, that you have to tan in the front lawn. Come on, get in." he laughs, pulling my towel off of me and off to the side. My arms wrap around my stomach, hiding the bandage.

"Corrin." he says pulling himself to me and the nipping my knee with his teeth. You wraps his arms around my waist and pulls me into the water. "No.. Kian.." I groan.

He pulls my arms from my stomach, skeptically. His eyes grow wider at the sight of the bandage but he says nothing. "I was playing with Sam's warrior knife Chinese thing and I dropped it on myself and it cut me." I say without hesitation.

Oddly, he believes me. "you should be more careful. Does Sam know?" "no," I snap, "I don't want to tell him either, so you better not."

He just nods and swims to the ladder by the diving board. He gets on the diving board and starts boucing. He turns his back to me and does three back flips before he hits the water.

"Show off." I laugh at him. I dive underwater and swim I his side, pulling myself up slowly from the water and trying to look sexy as I wipe away the water from my face.

I mentally laugh at myself, but it seems as it worked because he smashes his lips to mine.

I giggle into it and he does too.

He's so cute. I like him.. a lot.

Then my thoughts from earlier are sent back into my mind.

I've kissed almost all the o2l members, I'm a whore. A huge nasty used whore.

I'm Just His Foster Sister [#1] // o2l auWhere stories live. Discover now