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By the time we went on the bumper boats, go carts, and finished our game of mini golf it was 10pm. I'd beaten everyone's ass with only 36 points, Niall followed me with 38.

"We just owned their asses." Niall laughs, picking me up and spinning me around. He sets me down and sits down at a picnic table near the 18th hole.

I take my seat next him and then everyone piles onto it. Harry ends up next to Kennedy, who's next to Stasia, who's next to Liam, who's next to Zayn, who's next to Kian, who's across from Anthony, who's next to Louis, who's next to me, and I'm next to Niall, who's across from Harry.

I smile as Kennedy and Harry flirt. Him batting his incredibly feminine eyelashes and her blushing like an idiot. they were cute but her and Ricky were cuter. I sigh loudly and Niall puts his hand on my shoulder. "you alright love?" his accent is louder than the concern in his voice but I can still hear it. I nod yes, his mouth forms a line then drops and he focuses on their conversation, yet I could care less about what everyone was saying.

Kennedy and Harry are cute.
Anastasia and Liam are cute.

Maybe this could work out for them.
Liam winks at Stasia secretly, I caught it of course being the observant (more like intruding) person I am.

Louis stands and announces that they should get back before Paul sends out a squat team in essence of finding them; because they've been gone for ages.

I smile and run to hug him, he catches me and lifts me off the ground in a bear hug. "I'll miss you the most, you cheeky thing. Keep in touch yeah?" He whispers for only me to hear. "I'll miss you too and yes, you too. make sure to text me when you're in town so we can hang out. I'm coming to your guys' Bradford show while I'm visiting England this year." I whisper back. "We can get you all backstage passes our something." he laughs and sets me down.

I run into Zayn's arms next and almost knock him down, "you little shit." he laughs into my hair and hugs me loosely. "sorry Zayn, didn't mean to be a wrecking ball." "you didn't mean to hit so hard in love either now did you?" he jokes. I 'haha' him and we let go.

Liam's arms are next to find me, but from behind. he puts his head on my shoulder. "What are you doing next weekend?" he asks bluntly. "nothing, I don't think." I shrug. "Fancy a visit back to the Payne house? everyone would love to see you. the boys are coming too. you can invite 5 people, but we won't be staying at me parents house, I got a flat there we'd stay in. only for a week though then we're going back on tour." he turns me to face him and I wrap my arms around his neck.

"We'd love to." I answer for them all. "great I'll call you later for your flight schedule. don't worry about tickets.. I've got you covered." he kisses me on the cheek then leaves to talk to Kian. Harry catches me in an embrace next.

"Liam invited you back home right?"he whispers. "yeah." I laugh into his chest. "good, you invitin' Ken?" he gulps nervously. "you betcha." I laugh at him.

He kisses my forehead, "your a doll, you. cheeky too. I like you, remind me of me sister." he laughs and moves on. I hug Niall and he kisses my forehead as well. "I really enjoyed spending time with you all today, hope you come up to Liam's." "I will, can't wait for you to meet Jc.. are you inviting Jenn?" I force the lump in my throat to my stomach.

"I did but she can't; something about a Paramore concert that is life or death to her." he laughs and let's go, I do to but just take a few steps back.

"Us girls take our queen Hailey Williams very seriously." I laugh.

Harry calls a cab and I hug Liam once more. they hop in their limo and leave as the can pulls in. We all pile in and start the silent ride back to the lot.

I'm Just His Foster Sister [#1] // o2l auWhere stories live. Discover now