A Promise

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I found out that Jenn only says nice things, or he was lying and he thought I was some sort of joke. I wanted Niall and I to be friends, he was my favorite after all. I couldn't help but wonder, even though Niall was speaking to me, if Liam remembered me..

When I was first in the foster system.. Liam's family hosted me for a month, maybe two. I was 14 and he was oh around 17. if he remembered me... why wouldn't he say?

I decided to deny myself the possibility that he remembered and focused on Niall. "...She did mention that she was mad at you, but never told me why." His voice trailed off as he looked to Kennedy. "I know exactly why." I huff, my eyes get wide, I may be mad at Jenn and Andrea but I sure didn't want to ruin her relationship with Niall just because I was mad.

"Why? she always seemed so... fueled.. yeah that's the word, when she talked about you like she was going to scream.." "Jc.. my boyfriend. I'm not sure if you know already but Jenn liked him." he nods confirming that he does know.

"Well, I got with him and I never asked her how she felt about it so she's livid. I don't think it's so much that I didn't ask but that I took. if you know what I mean? I think she still likes him by I can't be certain." I cough a little as I walk through Liam smoking. "sorry." he laughs a little.

"I'm Ni, why don't you go catch up with Kian, I'm gonna stay back here with Liam, we'll meet you." I smile at him. He hugs me quickly and trots to Kian's side and they start talking, I smile.. Kian is so.. I shake my head, hoping to shake the thoughts away.

"I'd expect this least of all from you." I nod to his cigarette. "Why's that?" He blows an O with the smoke and hands me one and a lighter.

I shake my head no and sit down on the curb next to where he's standing, he does the same. "The way media portrays you, it doesn't allow smoking to fit in. Zayn maybe.. not you." I laugh. "media doesn't know everything."

"Can I ask you something?" I gulp.. there are two things I've wanted to know since I met him today. "anything." he takes a long drag on his cigarette. "you and Danielle. real or for publicity?" "first for publicity.. and then it changed to real." he smiles, it fades quickly though, probably because he realized they ended just yesterday.

"One more if I may?" I ask, hopefully he'll say yes. "ask me as much as you'd like." he puts the bud on the ground and stomps on it. "do you remember me?" I swallow hard. "how could I forget you? you were the little sister I'd never had. you haven't changed much either, other than the hair and the new found boobs." he laughs.

"Hey! I matured late alright." I laugh, hitting him playfully. "yeah, yeah. blame puberty."
"I will, matter of fact that's how it works. it's puberty's fault not mine! did you never pay attention in health?" I laugh once more and stand up. he tucks a cigarette behind his ear. "no one pays attention in health class." He grins widely and a tiny dimple surfaces.

I take the cigarette from behind his ear and put it between my lips. He lights it for me and I inhale the smoke, coughing a little, and releasing it all. My lipstick stains the end and I smile. "this is vomitus." I cough again, flinging the ashes to the side.

"The more you do it, the less foreign it becomes. soon it'll be like breathing, where you don't think, you just.. do." his voice is serious but casual. his hair falls in his eyes and he tries to fix it but fails. I do it for him.

He grabs my hand when I try to put it to my side and puts in on his cheek, inhaling deeply as I continue to smoke. "I'm glad you haven't lost your accent. Harry loves English Americans and you would be perfect." He laughs.

He stands up and tucks hair behind my ear, then we start walking to the go carts where the rest of the group is. "I actually have a boyfriend." I smile at the thought of Jc. "Kian?" he asks with a little smile.

"No." my voice breaks. Kian? how could he think Kian? "oh I just thought.. we passed you guys while you were walking in. we were in that limo, but I saw the way you looked at him. You totally had me fooled." he laughs it off and we walk up the rest.

"How was the rebound make out session?" Louis asks us. "She has a boyfriend idiot." Liam rubs the back of his neck awkwardly as the words leave his mouth. I realize the cigarette is still in my hand and I drop it behind me and stop on it before anyone notices.

"Aw Zayn you had me hoping." Louis smacks Zayn upside his head. "Mate, I said they were just talking." Zayn laughs though his words.

"A boy can only dream for the privilege." Harry whispers to me, handing me his phone. I look down and it was on the create a new contact thing. I typed in my number and put my name in as "Corrin Lee<3". I hand him it back and he smiles and walks back to Kennedy's side. I look to her and she winks at me.

Kian, Niall, Anastasia, Anthony, Zayn, and Louis get into one golf cart and start riding down the little pathways for golfers on the ranges and their bags. Liam hops in to the driver seat of another, Kennedy gets next to him and Harry sits on the back.

I have no choice but to sit next to him, so I do. He smiles at me as we take off, the wind blowing his hair back, revealing a tattoo on his neck. it's of an anchor similar to mine, except its black and the quotes are different.

Mine states that I am unsinkable, his states quite the opposite. it reads: "I am unnoticed under the water."

Is that what he wants? to be unnoticed? to be infamous? to be.. normal?

Harry Styles is no easier to me to read then braille. I struggle trying to figure out every new detail about him, why it's relavent, why he's so quiet, why he become so cheeky at the utmost wrong times, why he's reserved and only says things to keep you on edge. He's a mystery and I will figure him out.

That's a promise, Styles. "Bring it on." I whisper and laugh.

I'm Just His Foster Sister [#1] // o2l auWhere stories live. Discover now