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"Corrin.. Babe.. Wake up.." Someone is shaking me. I'm too tired to open my eyes, so I just burry myself further into the sheets. "Cory.. baby.." He whispers sitting on the bed somewhere. I make a whimpering noise, and turn in his direction.

I feel a lot of shuffling and then his arms wrap around my waist; pulling me closer and tangling our legs. My inhibitions are still clouded by sleep so without question, I burry myself into his chest. His lips press to my forehead and it's comforting; I begin falling asleep to his heartbeat, rhythmic and pure.

"Mmmm.. Jc?" I say without thinking as I feel a familiar electricity course through me as his lips press on mine.

I become more aware of my actions and thoughts and eventually I'm wide awake. At this point Jc is on top of me and we're in a full fledged make out. He puts one leg on either side of me and arches his back so that our chest are together.

"I missed you." He says after his lips leave mine and we're just cuddling on the bed. "I missed us." He adds. I press my lips to his. I notice how he tastes; his lips are soft like clouds and his breath is minty fresh, but it's weird. I decided i was still groggy and payed more attention to our movement than his taste.

The air thickens as his shirt is removed and I giggle as he pulls my shirt off with his teeth. He pulls out a condom; it's obvious of what happens next.


"You make me happy." Jc whispers into my ear as he wraps his arms around me, making it almost impossible to hop into a pair of his sweatpants.

I move out of his grasp and yank on the pants, returning to his embrace after. "You make me happy too." I kiss him lightly.

We hear a bunch of laughing from the living room and walk out to see what the commotion is about. "What's going on?" Jc smiles at Zayn and Liam rocking back and forth due to laughter as they stare at Liam's phone.

"Look at this video Louis sent me." Liam hands us his phone.

I press play.

It's Niall walking down the tampon and pad isle. I'd asked them to pick some up for me, sending them a picture of the box. He starts comparing all the boxes to the picture. A lady then comes up to Niall and he panics walking backward into a display of pregnancy tests.

I begin laughing and it fades at the feel of Jc's ridged stature. "Did you ever test?" Jc gulps. I shake my head no and before I know it he's taking my hand and we're out the door and into the elevator.

We run out the complex and down the street to the corner store where Niall and Louis are. They see us enter and question out hast but we keep running, acting like it'll change whatever answer we'll get when I pee on the stick.

We grab the most reliable pack after searching for 10 minutes and run to the counter.

"That'll be 10.76" the man at the register says. "Keep the change." Jc smiles small and slaps down a 20. We're back in the flat in 15 minutes even and in the bathroom in 20 seconds of being inside.

He pulls me into my bathroom and locks the door. "How the hell do these work?" He asks holding the opened package up in my directions.

"I think that's why directions exist.." I hint with a laugh. He flips over the box. "Basically you pee on the stick and in 20 minutes it'll say a plus if you're pregnant and a minus if you aren't." He holds out the opened stick for me.

"I can't pee with you listening.." I whisper, my face growing hot. He giggle and walks out, I hear him slide down the door with a sigh.

I do as instructed and place the stick on the counter and set an alarm for 20 minutes. I let Jc in and we sit in the edge if the tub across from the counter.

5 minutes into waiting I kick him out and pee on three more. I want to be accurate..

I let him in again and the silence is deafening. He begins pacing only making me more nervous.

"Jc sit the hell down. You pacing like the fucking Pac Man ghosts is not helping my anxiety.." I yell a little. He doesn't oblige and just sits on the toilet beside the sink.

I begin breathing heavy as my alarm goes off. "Should you look first?" Jc croaks looking at the ground. "I can't.." My voice sounds forced, it was.

"Me either." He whispers.

A lightbulb goes off in my head, "Get the boys to look." I whisper back.

He stands in the doorway and calls them. When they arrive he explains the task. They all take turns walking to the sticks and back, trying to hide their reactions behind slyness.

Once they've all looked and accumulated around us as we sit on the tub, they scream the news.

Honestly, I'm not sure whether I should be sad or happy..

I'm Just His Foster Sister [#1] // o2l auWhere stories live. Discover now