Bring Me To Life

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We pulled up to a huge house, larger than the boys' and mine but not mansion material just yet. I lock my arm with Trevor's as he open my door and helps me out. The little gentleman.

I smile as we start our way across the gigantic parking lot. I've never seen a house with a parking lot, Derek informed me this night would bring a lot of 'firsts' upon me.

It was a 2 story house; maybe 200,000 square feet per floor. Derek and Abby walk ahead of us. The brown paint was set aglow by the thousands of strands of white string lights. The walkways to the porch was covered in white rose petals and glowsticks.

We get to the porch and a man is standing outside with a clipboard. "name please Sir?" he looks to Derek. "Dr. Derek Optial"

The man doesn't even look down at his clipboard he just I hooks the rope and let's is through.


I've been introduced to countless Doctors, Nurses, MA's, and even receptionists from the hospital. They've all told me that I was a beautiful girl and that Derek hasn't shut up about me. I guess he has been waiting for me for a long time.

By the time the open mic began, I'd downed 3 glasses of champaign. not the cheap stuff either. it was a peach color but tasted like the heavens.

I'd never been much of a drinker, seeing as I'm only 19, but I could get used to this, sadly it's something I cannot afford daily.

Trevor has refused all drinks offered to him and to be honest, his innocence was the only reason i'd decided to bring him with me. I was utterly prepared to arrive alone, but I remembered alcohol was to be involved considering all the adults attending and I thought Trevor was the perfect subject to tease. I smirk as Trevor finally takes my drink from my hand and takes a swig.

"This is.. Vile." he says swallowing harshly. "awe little baby Trevor, stomach can't handle the heavens?" I tease.

He laughs loudly. Him, Derek, Abby, and I all sitting at a round table. the table cloth, made of the finest silk I've ever touched, was glistening under the candle lit room. there was no lights on, just candles everywhere and torches ablaze on the walls.

"Not a drinker lad?" Derek laughs at Trevor's reaction. Trevor swallows once more, gently setting the glass on the table in my dorection. "I've never even considered until tonight sir, I'm only 16." He looks to his feet with a smile.

"If thought you were much older, how do you know Corrin?" Abby flashes a smile to him as the words leave Derek's mouth. I look to Trevor awaiting his explanation. "Her brother, Connor, and I, we make videos together on YouTube."

"Oh I believe I've heard of you somewhere.. hmm H2O is it?" Abby searches her thoughts. She was one of the sweetest woman I know, aside from my mum and my real mum.

I burst into a fit of laughter, "I believe that's a show about mermaids." Trevor laughs along with me, Abby and Derek soon joining.

"It's actually called O2L." Trevor smiles at her effort. "close enough." Abby shoves Trevor playfully. I look at her, she was obviously finding Trevor adorable. I mean how could you not? His eyes sparkle when he laughs, he has dimples under his eyes, and he was one of the most genuine and comforting people I knew.

A younger boy goes up to the mic, stealing my attention from our conversation with his gleaming eyes and brilliant smile. "This is dedicated to my boyfriend for always being there for me.. I love you Jake." he winks to young man in the crowd.

The melody begins; soft and slow. He looks to the ground smiling, shaking his head. "I can't believe I'm doing this." he laughs bervously.

"Your hand fits in mine like it's made just for me;
But bear this in mind it was meant to be;
And I'm joining up the dots with the freckles on your cheeks;
And it all makes sense to me."
He starts the song so beautifully. His voice shaking at first but steadying out as he becomes more confident in his abilities.

His voice is soothing; causing goosebumps to form on my arms. When he finishes, he walks off the stage to the boy, Jake, and kisses him. I smile at their relationship.

"Can we just walk up there and sing?" Trevor asks. "Yeah, basically, no one has probably signed up." Derek shrugs. "Sing with me?" Trevor pleas.

"Trevor.. I have stage fright.. I cant."

"Please, I'll be there, it'll be okay." Trevor begs stck in out his bottom lip.

I sigh and stand up walking to the Dj, Trevor following.

"Put on Bring Me To Life, it's the 112th song on my playlist, please?" I laugh and hand him a flashdrive.

Evanescence was one of my favorites. but Trevor and I had tricked up the song so it was slower and added more gymnastics to the lyrics.

He gestures for us to walk up on stage, Trevor running and me choking as I lift my heavy feet up the steps.


I'm Just His Foster Sister [#1] // o2l auWhere stories live. Discover now