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I look at him. He motions for me to come in. I sit on his bed, near the center, and Indian style. he sits next to me, crossing his legs in mimic to mine. I push him playfully. We laugh and he turns on the tv.

"Netflix or cable?" he asks. "Netflix! Please Kiwi, watch VGHS with me! no one else will, please kiwi?" I stick out my bottom lip and poke his side.

He turns on Netflix and looks to me, "VGHS?" his eyebrow is raised. "Video Game High School, duh," I laugh and he searches for it, "hey.. so Liam invited me to his parents house this weekend.. do you wanna come with me?" I lay down on his bed, my feet by the head board, head where feet normally are, and propped up on my elbows. He does the same.

"Why'd he invite you to his parents?" he coughs and laughs as Brian (Josh Blaylock) throws his cat, Cheeto, out the house. "His parents fostered me for a month when I was younger." he nods. "Yeah, sounds fun. Who all's going?"

"You, me, and I haven't asked them yet, but Kennedy, Sam, and probably Connor because he's such a big fan." I laugh sarcastically. "what about Anthony and Stasia? You can't leave them out, Corrin."

"I'm not. They have some charity event at the homeless shelter with Ricky and Jc.." "why aren't you going with Jc then? won't he be pissed your with another guy for.. how long?" "it's only for a little over a week, just until they have to go back on tour.. and no he's not going to care.. we broke up." I choke on my words and he gasps quietly.

"Awe Corrin, I'm so sorry." "it's okay Kiwi.. really, it's fine. nothing lasts forever right?" a send a laugh out after my question, but it sounds forced and even he knew it. He hugs me awkwardly and we jump as Brian shoots the grenade at The Law's feet and he explodes.. like my heart when Jc "paused" us.

I pull out my phone and open a new conversation with Liam.
"Hey Li! I'm bringing Kian, Sam, Kennedy, and Connor next weekend! can't wait to see your mom and dad, it'll be great! xx" I press send and Kian removes his arms from me and we just watch VGHS Season 1 in utter silence; you know other than constant laughs, 'awe's, and 'ooh's when something good happens.

Liam texted back and said he was excited and I had forgotten I hadn't asked who I told him was coming if they could. I hit my head mentally and open a group message for Sam, Kennedy, Connor, and I.

Me: what y'all doing this weekend?
Sam: nun.
Ken: same.
Connor: same /:
Me: "Fancy a trip to the Payne house?" Liam has invited us, you up for it? it's next weekend, he's paying for tickets. all you have to do is pack and be there on time. xD
Sam: yeah, sounds fun <3
Connor: yes! finally I am no longer going to be confined to this room with only lame ass Stasia, I'm just kidding it's literally me who is the lame ass. Stasia is constantly complaining that she hates sitting with me all day and listening to me whine about having no life outside my camera.. XD I love her regardless
Ken: I'm free and ready to be best friends with my future hisbands, I'm one step closer xD
Me: awesome, get packed and get ready for the beauty that is Britain :D

I press the lock button on my phone and look to Kian, he's watching me. "What?" I laugh as he quickly looks away, his face turning red. "Nothing." "Kian.. What?" "I don't know.. I was just thinking." he smiles at his floor.

"About what?" I ask, scooting closer to him so there wasn't any room between us, then lying my head on his shoulder. "just about how lucky I am to have you as a best friend." he kisses the top of my head and we continue watching tv.

"Best friend?" I gulp. "yeah? why?" he laughs nervously. I feel heat rise in the room and my heart beat faster. I sit up Indian style again. He catches my sense of nervousness and does the same. "I.. I just have to see something.." i whisper nervously and turn his body in my direction so that our knees our touching and there's only about a foot between his shoulders and mine.

"What are yo-," I cut him off by speaking over him, "don't say anything.. I just need to know.." My voice trails off and I gulp sending the lump in my throat to its rightful place: the pit of my stomach.

I wait until my mouth feels less dry then I start leaning in, he does the same but much faster and it seemed as though he's been dying for this chance.. for me.

His lips crash to mine and they feel unfamiliar. he licked his lips before they touched mine so it's wet. but it's.. different. they don't necessarily fit mine like Jc's but there was a fire that races through my heart and sent shivers down my spine. He wasn't made for me.. but I think that's what made me crave him. We were so different, it made us perfect.

His tongue traces my lips and then he pulls away, biting my lip as he does and yanking it back once before releasing it. i keep my eyes closed and drop onto his bed, like a normal person would lay down. I take a pillow from the unmade half, he happened to be sitting on that half, and shoved it over my face knowing how red it would be and how he would laugh if I didn't cover it.

"Was it really that bad that you had to hide?" He whispers, climbing on top of me; putting a leg on either side of my waist. He begins trying to pull the pillow from my hands. I throw my hands over my face as he takes the pillow from me.

He moves my hands away but I need open my eyes. Just seconds after I hear the pillow (I believe) hit the ground, his lips are on mine again, but he's smiling this time. he didn't lick his lips either which made it 10,000,000% better. I wrap my hands into his hair and he slides one hand under my back and pulls me up closer to his body.

I bite his lip as our tongues stop dancing and he pulls away and drops down next to me, on his side, pulling me into him and wrapping his arms around my waist. He nuzzles his head into my neck and pulls the covers over us. We start to fall asleep this way.. smiling with hormones coarsing throughout our bodies. I laugh a little mentally and then a thought hits me...

I've kissed almost every member of the O2L group.


I'm a whore. that's exactly what I am. a worthless whore, I'm hooking up with Kian right after Jc and I call it quits, basically making him a rebound.. Jc's best friend is Kian. not only that but.. 4/6 out of O2L really Corrin? really?

I begin crying, but Kian doesn't notice because he's already asleep. I decide that tomorrow while the boys are at their interview and Kennedy and Stasia are at the mall; I'm going to punish myself.

I'm a bad girl.

I'm Just His Foster Sister [#1] // o2l auWhere stories live. Discover now