Big Hotel Boxes

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I wake up to Jc carrying me bridal style to the cab. Im too sleepy to notice my surrounding so I can't exactly tell where we are.

I close my eyes and when I open then just seconds after, we're in a new hotel room. He lays me gently on the bed. "babe?" I whisper. He crawls on top of me. His legs on either side of my torso.

"yeah?" he laughs. I excuse his laughter, knowing it's probably over my hair or something and ask him anyways, "Will you buy me some alcohol?" I laugh loudly at his reaction.

"I'm 20 still.. I can't even by it for myself yet." His bug eyes dial down a little. "Well tomorrow you'll be 21. Actually in exactly..," I look at my phone, "4 hours you'll be 21." I smile. "Tomorrow isn't my birthday.." his voice trails off.

"Then who's is it?" I croak. He shrugs. I start looking through my calender. It isn't Connor's, not ricky's, not Sam's, not Trevor's, not Kian's, not Jc's.. so who's..?

My mind becomes unclouded, and my body tenses. Tears well up into my eyes and I can't help but sob, "daddy.." I whimper.

It may have been a bit over 5 years ago but it still hurt knowing that my parents were taken from me. I mean, I had the right to hurt. I was stripped of everything I knew at a young age and was put into a group home. no child should have to be thrown into that situation, sadly so many children are.

"Awe babe.. do you want to talk about it?" Jc asks sympathetically. "No, I'm fine.. let's just sleep please.." I nudge him playfully, he rolls off of me, into a spot next to me. He wraps his waist in their place around my waist, tangles our legs, and we quickly doze off.


I hear a knock on the door and pour out of the bed. I notice the sound of the shower running, knowing Jc is inside, and I blush at the imagery.

I open the door to see not someone but something. A box as tall as my hip is laying outside the door. There is no tag or stamp. Ot simply says "Corrin".

I pull the some what heavy box into the room, deciding not to open it without Jc. I up it near the couch and walk back towards the bathroom.

"I'm lonely, so I'm going to sit on the toilet and your going to talk to me." I laugh as I open the door and shut the toilet, taking a seat on the lid.

"Have you been up long?" I ask after our laughter does down. "Not really, it's been maybe half an hour. When did you wake up?" He asks back.

I look at the foggy glass and instantly regret it. "You keep starring.." Jc laughs. "You'd only know that if you were staring at me.." I retort.

"Get in." He signals opening the glass door open a little. So I get in with him.


"Ow, you're pulling my hair out." I giggle as he continues roughly French braiding my hair. "Sorry.. I haven't done it in a while."

He puts the rubber band in at the end and kisses my head. "What's in the box?" He asks as we walk out of the bathroom to the couch. "I don't know, I found it outside the door. it's for me but I wanted to wait until we were together.." I smile. I pull the box between my legs and tear it open.

At first it's just a bunch of those packing beans.. the blue styrofoam ones. Then the sight leaves me stunned...


Authors note:

Thank you to anyone who helped me the other night, I sincerely appreciate all your kind words. If any of you need to talk please feel free to kik me or ask for my number.

This is a short chapter but I've been feeling a bit under the weather and I'm finding it quite draining to type for too long. But hopefully, I'll be able to update a bunch on Sunday because I have a 13 hour drive ahead of me!! .-.

So I'm wanting to have a contest.. I really want a new cover.. The best one will get a character in the book! There are a few things that need to be on it though..

- any Caucasian girl, with blue and green ombré hair and blue eyes
- Sam, Kian, Jc
- the title
- my username (doesn't have to be but can be)

Also I just would like to take a moment to explain to you all that I understand my own writing. my writing is revised and is said a certain way for a certain reason.

I purposely mess up quotes and song lyrics because we all do those things in real life and I don't want this to be one of those "everything is perfect in this book but not in real life and it makes me depressed" books. I want this to relate, somewhat, to how the world actually is nowadays. I want to grab your attention and tug at your heat strings.

Also, you guys make me smile so much. some of your comments are like the funniest things ever! you make my day 100% brighter, I love you.

Other than that, thank you for reading and voting. I love you all :*

I'm Just His Foster Sister [#1] // o2l auWhere stories live. Discover now