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"How can you see into my eyes, like open door?
Leading you down into my core,
Where I've become so numb.
Without a soul, my spirit sleeping somewhere cold,
Until you find it there and lead it back..

Home." Trevor begins.

We do the chorus together and my dreaded part comes.

"Now that I know what I'm without,
You can't just leave me,
Breathe into me and make me real
Bring me to life." I sing effortlessly.

Everyone was standing on their feet, clapping, "ow"ing and "awe"ing for us. I smile as we come to my favorite solo part.

The first note is the highest note in the entire song, it's something only Ariana Grande can do but Trevor told me it was beautiful when I did it. so I'm going to

"frozen inside without your touch,
Without your love,
Darling, only you are the life,
Among the dead .."

Trevor does the rap thing and the last line comes as I prepare myself for another high and long note.

"Bring me to.." Trevor holds out the last word and I come in high, "life.."

Everyone is on there feet as we walk off the stage dozens of men in ties come running up to me handing me business cards.

Maybe it was only 4 but still.

The first is an older man; mid 40's. He's short and chunky with gray hair and a long handlebar mustache. "The names Larry James. I work with Lingo Records, we'd love to have you down for a rest track sometime.. maybe sign you." he winks, hands me his card walking away.

The second man is quite opposite the first. He's tall, muscular, and mid 20's. His hair similar to Connor's,sandy brown and in a quiff like manner to the left.

"Hello, I'm Clark Davies with Radio Disney. we'd love to have you in our Next Big Thing competition on Disney. think about it and give us a call, just ask for me dollface." he hugs me lightly, hands me his card and walks away.

The next man is similar to the first but with black hair and was taller but still chunky. "Paul Xavier the third, i. You maybe fancy a visit down to our label tomorrow. I'm with Bieber entertainment and he'd love to see you. We're broadcasting this event back to him, Have you got the time?" he asks extending his card to me, I grab it.

"Umm well I'm going to the UK for a little in not too long. Maybe when I return?" I smile. "He'd love that..Heres his number.." He smiles grabbing the card from my fingers and writing the one and only Justin Bieber's number on it.

He rattles a bit but leaves after a quick hug is exchanged between the both of us.

The next man walks up and causing a hitch in my breath. oh my god, this is literally not happening. my palms begin to sweat and I have no sense in my legs.

"Hmmm.. I've got a good feeling about you." He smiles widely showing off his dazzling teeth.

There is no way this is literally happening.

I'm Just His Foster Sister [#1] // o2l auWhere stories live. Discover now