First Class

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We board the plane first because we're first class. Kian shoves our bags into the compartment and takes a seat next to me. First class seats aren't chairs, they're couches.

We put our buckles on. I grab his hand and put them both on my lap. One of my new favorite things about Kian is his that he doesn't act surprised to affection. If I'd done that to Jc he would have asked why, but not Kian, he doesn't are why, he just shuts up and enjoys the electricity and fireworks.

The light comes on telling us to remove our seatbelts. Kian pulls me into his lap and wraps his arms around my waist. "So did Liam tell you what we'll be doing the entire time we're here?" he asks, filling the empty void of silence.

"Sort of, he said we'll go to his parents house one day to meet up with them but he said it'll most likely be the day of our departure. we'll also go shopping, and swimming and just kind of all hang out."

"How long?"
"Until they leave again for tour. Harry said it'll be from a week to three weeks, that's why I hoped you packed enough." I laugh.

"I packed enough for a month." He smiles back. Another silence creeps upon us. I look up at him, he's looking down on me.

"Can we just talk about what we are?" he stutters. "What do you mean?" I laugh. "I mean, you honestly can't tell me your not confused.. We kiss and cuddle and make out and touch.. electricity flies between us and it's burns to know you're not mine.." his voice trails off as he gets lost somehow still staring down into my eyes.

"I like you, you like me. I don't want to ruin this by adding a title. when the time comes.. it comes, and if it doesn't I'm fine with 'complicated'. I just think we shouldn't rush into a label and ruin something that's so perfect as it is. Besides, we've never been on a proper date." I edge.

He laughs. "Is this going to be like No Strings Attached because I believe they end up together.." he winks.

I just giggle and nuzzle into him. We spend a majority of the plane ride in this position, just chatting, laughing, occasionally kissing and sometimes tickling eachother.

I start to drift off into a light sleep, I'm still aware of what's being said but my eyes are closed so I'm unaware of other peoples actions. Kian pulls me off his lap, him laying down on the inside of our seat, then pulls me next to him; facing him. He wraps his arms around my waist and kisses my forehead.

"We'll end up together eventually.." he whispers and kisses my forehead before falling asleep himself.


Kian pulls me into his arms and cradles me. Sam grabs our bags and we walk off the plane. I just continue my sleep as we ride to Liam's flat in a cab.

Me and Kian in one cab; Connor, Sam, and Kennedy in another.


I hop out of the cab and to Kian's side on the side walk. Sam strolls up to us with our bags and Kian takes them and loads them on a trolley.

I hop on the trolley with Kennedy as Kian pushes it around the complex and into an elevator. He presses the 10th floor button and when it opens, I'm shocked.

It was a little hallway and then a door. Liam owned a whole floor.

I hop off the trolley and burst through the door finding Liam and Zayn cooking in the kitchen. "Zayn!" I scream running to him and hopping into his ready arms. He hugs tightly, "Hey beautiful." I release and he sets me down.

I do the same to the rest of the boys as they arrive.

Kennedy and I are escorted to our room by Niall.
Kian and Sam are escorted by Zayn.
Connor is sharing with Harry so he just follows Harry.

Niall's room is next to mine, I'm next to Kian, Kian is across from Zayn, Zayn is next to Connor, Connor is across from Liam.

I laugh as Kennedy and I both jump onto the huge kingside bed. There's was also a walk in closet and a master bath. We have the biggest room in the house. "Enjoying?" Liam laughs as he sits on the end. "More than." Kennedy smiles and hugs him. "I've never been to the UK, and I'm really glad you invited me." She let's go and says she's going to call Ricky telling him that we've arrived.

That left Liam and I alone; nervous of conversation.

"Can I ask you something?" Liam asks nervously.

I gulp but respond, "Sure."

Oh god, he's sweating a little and fiddling with his fingers. The question that comes out of his mouth.. it's terrifying ..

I'm Just His Foster Sister [#1] // o2l auWhere stories live. Discover now