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We pulled up to the lot. Only 50 people were able to buy tickets and we were luck enough to snag not one but five. Kian, Anthony, and Stasia hop out and start walking. Kennedy and I just sit in the car for a few and try to steady our breath. I look to her and begin laughing as tears poor down both of our faces. "We need to get our shit together." Kennedy laughs.

"We still have an hour or so before it's our turn you know? we're the last scheduled meet before they leave." I remind her as we climb out. I slam the door behind me and we link our arms and catch up with the guys; and girl.

"Breathe." Kennedy keeps whispering for the both of us. Kian stands still in the street, dropping back to be in line with Ken and I. Ken excuses herself and runs to catch up with Stasia and Anthony; her best friends.

"You're literally crying." Kian laughs at me a little. "Thank you by the way. you know for giving me Andrea's ticket.. you didn't have to." I look at him and then back at the ground.

"I wanted you to have it. Especially now..." His voice traveled off. I looked at him and then walked as close as possible and linked our arms, "now that what?" I ask kicking a pebble, it bounces of the curb and hits Anthony in the back of the head.

He turns around slowly, then stops. I continue walking towards him. he looks from Kian to me and kept doing it until I was right in front of him. "You little bitch. what good aim you have." he laughs and throws me over his shoulder as I drop Kian's arm.

I just let him carry me into the venue. He sets me down and we give the lady, at the front desk, our tickets and she hands us our passes on a little lanyard type thing and calls a security guard down.

He arrives just minutes later in a golf cart and take us to the room with the rest of the lucky 45 people that get to meet One Direction.

As we arrive, they call in the 15th meet. 12 people leave, meaning 33 until Niall Horan is literally at my fingertips. I sit on the couch next to Anthony, leaning my head on his shoulder and pulling my phone out. I had a bunch of texts from Jc.

"Missing you already and you just left the house." "are you thinking about me bc I'm thinking about you." "I need a kiss, having fun love?" "I'm watching some of your home videos with Connor. Weren't you just a lovely little thing running around in princess dresses and rolling in mud c;" "I adore your national solo.. you are a beautiful dancer, Connor cried xD" "I need you here, I need to touch you and make sure your real and not a figment of my imagination" "I know love is just a shout into a void and that oblivion is inevitable and I am in love with you <3"

I smile and text back: "you sure are needy Caylen (;"

I sit up and look at Anthony, he was holding his phone out for me to look at.. It was his conversation with Andrea. he called Kian over and he say down on the other side of Anothony. I began reading:

Andrea: is the meet and greet today?
Anthony: well yes but Kian gave ur ticket to someone else bc u broke up with him
Andrea: I didn't break up with him he broke up with meh
Anthony: well it doesn't matter, it's not urs
Andrea: that skank Corrin took it right?
Anthony: I don't have time for whores and prostitutes like urself
Andrea: so she did?
Anthony: she's not a skank. But yes she did
Andrea: she's fooling you. all of you and I'll prove it soon. she wants fame that's why she finally came out, not bc I told Kian bc she wants to be liked for once, she's pathetic can't you see
Anthony: oh honey, go buy a personality

Andrea hadn't responded back. "you guys know that's not true. I love you, I could care less about fame. I only decided to meet you because one I didn't like hiding every time any of you came to the house and two because she told Kian and he seemed genuinely excited.. that's all." I whispered on the verge of tears.

Kian moves to my side an they engulf me in and embrace. thank god I have fake lashes on instead of mascara because I'd be a wreck after this was over; considering the amount of tears that have come out of my body in the last month.. I've gone threw two tubes of mascara.. Two in the last month.

They remove their arms from in front of me but keep the ones on my back still, in place, reminding me that their there for comfort. "I love you guys." I say to the four of them. "we love you too, Cor." Anthony responds for all of them.

I lean my head on Kian's shoulder and close my eyes.. accidentally falling asleep.

I'm Just His Foster Sister [#1] // o2l auWhere stories live. Discover now