Perfect Imperfection

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"You are imperfect Dalia... so imperfect but that's okay... it's okay." He smiled at his ten year old daughter." Father will make you perfect... make you as perfect as possible with all these machines. Father will make you absolutely perfect."

Tears rolled down her face." Father... please no... please." She wept silently as she struggled against the restraints that held her to the operation table.

"Shhh... shhh it's okay Dalia. Momma and brother weren't perfect, but I am and you will be soon... then I won't have to lose you like I lost your mother." Her father cooed moving into her view with another large needle.

"No! No! Daddy please! I don't want any more shots! I'll behave." More tears ran down her face." I'm sorry, please..."

"It won't hurt. I promise, my sweet little girl." A big desperate smile crossed his face as he raised the needle." You'll be perfect." He stuck the needle into her right arm and she cried out.

"Murakami-san, please stop!" Kisuke Urahara's voice cried out from somewhere behind him.

The world had becoming hazy to her with all the voices slowing down making them almost inaudible." No! My daughter, she will be perfect!"

"Murakami-san, you are killing her!"

"No, no I'm not! Look, she's transforming!"

"" She struggled to speak, hardly even hearing her own voice but she heard no more or saw more after that... everything went silent and black. Her brown skin was turning a horrible orange but she would have never known it.

"Murakami-san, how can you do this to you own daughter?!" Kisuke rushed over to the operation table but was immediately stopped by Kai Murakami pulling out his Zanpakto with tears going down his face.

"I am perfect... she will be perfect. She is all I have. She will transform into a beautiful butterfly!" Kai smiled desperately with a crazed look in his eye. Kai was a perfectionist and he was indeed a flawless being, however that had happened. He was a tall white male with blond hair and blue eyes. He was even from a noble family that – because of his need for perfection – no longer existed.

Kisuke eyed Dalia's body as it turned a reddish-orange." Murakami-san, I'm going to have to place you under arrest. You will be sent to the Maggot's Nest and never released... I'm sure."

Kai chuckled bitterly." I won't let you take my daughter from me! She and I, we will be perfect!"

Kai lunged at Kisuke forcing him to draw his own Zanpakto and they fought. With every passing second Dalia seemed to transform into something odd and colorful. Kisuke was desperate to save her. Dalia – the few times they had met – had a rather large impact on his life. A cute smile – that always hid the pain – which he'd came to look forward to seeing when he worked with her father.

Kisuke sliced Kai's stomach horizontally and he fell to his knees. Kai held a hand to his stomach looking at the blood that came from him. More tears rolled down Kai's face as he looked up at Kisuke. Kisuke whistled and in came some guards of the Maggot's Nest as well as squad 4 healers with a stretcher.

Kai looked back his child that laid on the operation table having transformed into what looked like a phoenix; Kai gasped and casted his face to the heavens before looking at Kisuke." Th... there's a potion on the table... i-it should save her." He muttered quietly as he was put on a stretcher.

"How can I trust you?" Kisuke hissed.

"I... I would never want to kill my little girl... Unlike her mother and brother, that was the last thing I wanted." He muttered quietly as he was slowly carted away." I love my little girl the most..."

Kisuke turned around and looked at the phoenix of a girl on the table. Even though she was a phoenix in this state... it was obvious she was dead or dying because even her chest hardly moved. He looked over at the table and saw the potion Kai had mentioned... He hesitated but didn't for long; he was desperate to save her. He quickly picked up the potion and forced it down her beak.

For an agonizing amount of time nothing changed about her but just as he was getting ready to put the blanket over her bird head, she began to change. She took a deep breath from her human lungs." Dalia... Dalia, please... please wake up." He pleaded quietly.

"U-... Urahara-san...?" The girl struggled to open her eyes but eventually got them open; his face relaxed, he was relieved. He had saved her.

"Thank god you are okay... I was so scared you didn't make it." He smiled down at her. He wouldn't tell her about the whole phoenix thing... that would surely scare her, besides it couldn't affect her now.

She forced herself to sit up." W-where's daddy?"

His smile fell and he frowned." I..." He looked away from her. "He has been sent to the Maggot's Nest."

It took her a second to absorb what he said but when she did, she sighed." W-... what's going to happen to me?"

He patted her head quietly." Since you are nothing more than ten, you'll come and live with me."

"Where is that?"

"Shihōin Mansion." He spoke quietly with a soft smile.

"Why can't I be with my father?" Even though she knew the obvious answer and Urahara knew why she asked; the only person that ever mattered to her was her father. Her father loved her despite being a perfectionist... he even killed her mother and older brother trying to make them perfect but... she loved her father.

"Because I think it's time for you to have a normal childhood, Dalia." He stood up and offered her his hand.

"How old are you, Urahara-san?" She looked up at his hand that he held out to her.

"Twenty-eight." He replied simply still holding his hand out to her.

"Oh." She replied quietly." My older brother would be your age."

He blinked but the smile on his face didn't falter." Call me Nii-chan then." He gave a small chuckle.

She finally reached for his hand and took it." Nii-chan... what will you call me?"

"Imouto... little sister." He chuckled pulling her up to her feet but she fell to her knees.

"I'm sorry, Nii-chan. My... my legs are numb. I can't feel my legs." She seemed scared about his reaction, but he shook his head before picking her up bridal style.

"It's fine. It'll be alright." He chuckled as he started to carry her out of the dark grey warehouse like room.



"Thank you." She sighed heavily before passing out from exhaustion.

Her face turned slightly red but he hid it by pulling her closer to his body. It was the phoenix in her still showing up like that. Kisuke brushed the slightly long auburn hair from her face. His new Imouto...

Perfect Imperfection (Mayuri Kurotsuchi)Where stories live. Discover now