Chapter 3 : Find A Way

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The wedding was over and I was walking down the hall. I was extremely tired and it was now 3 am in the morning. I looked across me and saw Chres sitting on the floor I figured he was locked out so I just continued to put my key in unlocking my door.

“Cori” he laughed getting up

“Yes” I chuckled turning around

“Don't tell me that we're neighbors again are you fucking kidding me” he laughed

“Yeah it's crazy, I can't believe it” I chuckled

“Why are you sitting on the floor”? I asked raising my eyebrow

“I fucking left my key in the house I didn’t drive to the wedding so I figured I didn’t need my key but I forgot my girl was out of town so yeah I'm kicked out” he laughed

“Should have been more responsible, well goodnight” I playfully shut the door

“Come on stop playing” he pleaded

“Come in” I rolled my eyes letting him in he looked around my house like he did the first time examining and touching everything. “Your crib is nice as usual” he smiled looking around.

“Thanks, you know I try” I said walking to my bedroom closet. I grabbed two blankets and a pillow and handed it to him. “Here Chres” I smirked


I guess I'm sleeping on the couch, for some reason I didn’t want it to be that way I wanted to be sleeping in the same bed with her with my hands around her waist. I smiled grabbing the blankets and pillow and made my bed on her comfy couch. I just wanted to feel her “Can I get a good night hug? I asked. She playfully rolled her eyes and gave me a hug. I looked down at her and she looked up at me I closed my eyes wrapping my hands around her waist and I felt home. She quickly let go of my grip “Ok goodnight” she left quickly walking to her room.


I felt weak to my knees I was still mad that he has this effect over me I tried to unzip my dress but it didn’t want to go down. I struggled and struggled and finally accepted the fact that I would have to ask Chres for help. “Fuck” I whispered walking down the hall and saw him getting comfy. He took his shirt off revealing is tatted chest it took everything in me not to look. “Chresanto” I called. He looked up and hopped up “Wassup”? He asked looking at me hold my cleavage. “Um can you help me unzip pen the back of my dress I'm struggling” I asked. “Sure” he smirked struggling to unzip pen my zipper. “Fuck is wrong with this thing” he joked. He finally got it and unzippened it half way so I could get out of it. I felt his warm breath down my neck and it was driving me crazy. I needed to hurry up and get away. “Thanks” I smiled quickly walking down the hall into my room and I closed the door. I laid in the bed and stared at the wall until I drifted off into a deep slumber.


I looked at Cori go into her room and I honestly did miss her, her attitude, playfulness , and her body it looks even more desirable now that she filled out more and her tattoo on her neck is sexy. Am I wrong for just wanting to make love to my ex? I sighed looking up at the ceiling until I drifted off to sleep in no time.

The Next Day….

I woke up it was now 10:30 I went into the bathroom and quickly washed my face and brushed my teeth. I then hopped in the shower; once I got out I put on some shorts and a tank I was happy to be off because I had a lot of house cleaning to do. I walked into the living room and saw that Chres was still in deep sleep. I turned on my coffee pot and began placing all of the dirty dishes in my dish washer. I then grabbed my mug and poured my coffee in it and added my cream sugar. My house phone rung by my desk I walked over to it and quickly picked it up. I sat down and answered


“Hey Cori uhhh we got a problem at the job” my employee Vanessa said

“Yes, what is it? I asked

“The drawers are like 200 dollars short” she said. I could have spit out my damn coffee when I said that

“What do you mean the drawer is like 200 hundred short is it exactly 200 dollars short or more’”? I asked hollering


I was awakened by Cori yelling at someone on the phone and I was extremely turned on. She couldn’t see me looking at her because she was on her computer at her desk. I looked down at her thighs and I didn’t even notice she had a tattoo on her left thigh of flowers .I continued to listen to her curse someone out whoever it was I felt bad for them.

“The hell do you mean $250 dollars short” she screamed

“Why the hell would you put two new people on the register without experience that doesn’t fucking make sense” she yelled

“If anything you watch or sit behind them where's Tara? Put Tara on the phone” she demanded

Damn! Cori is a boss her whole demeanor changed and I kinda like, all I could do was bite my lip the whole time. I looked down at my phone and got a text from my girl.

“Hey Babe, I won't be home until tomorrow night” she texted

“Fuck” I whispered I quickly texted her back “Ok baby, have fun be careful

“You know what how about we have an employee meeting and training session because all of ya'll forgot how to do your fucking job” she yelled slamming the phone down and placing her hand on her head.

“Umm Umm” I coughed trying to get her attention. She quickly turned around “Oh I'm sorry for waking you up” she commented calmly

“It's cool” I got up yawing I peeped Cori staring at my body and quickly looked away once I caught her

“I feel bad for whoever you cursed out” I chuckled

“They just really piss me off, two registers were short $ 250 “she explained taking a sip of her coffee

“Damn that's 500 dollars” I snickered

“I know, that means I have to pay it” she scoffed

“Or you can take it out of there check” I suggested

“I could” she snickered getting up and going to the kitchen. I followed her I don’t know why I just did she grabbed a muffin and took a bite. “You want one”? She asked

“Yeah I am a little hungry” I smiled grabbing one and biting into it “Umm this is good” I smiled rolling my eyes back

“Thanks my mother made them” she said sitting on the counter. There was an awkward silence until I broke it “My girl won't be home until tomorrow night so Imma just go and get a spare key from the landlord” he explained

“Okay” she nodded getting from the down the counter. I placed my shirt back on and quickly put on my pants. I grabbed my phone. “Thanks Cori, I appreciate it” I winked at her closing the door

“No problem” she said closing the door.

I sighed as I closed the door and slid down the door. I then walked over to where he slept, I picked up the pillow and blankets and I smelled the scent of his cologne it smelled so good. His scent was bringing back sweet memories.

Cori is a little bitchy now!

They're both team tatted now ;)

I don't trust Lorielle his girlfriend

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