Chapter 14: Anticipation

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“What do you mean you don’t know Chres”? I snapped following him to the living room I was so fed up.

“I don't know Cori damn, I'm not ready to get married yet? He snapped. I stopped and looked at him with my arms crossed.

“Oh, so what you're saying is you want to move in together and for me to play Mrs. Betty Crocker with no ring huh? I don’t think so, how long do I have to wait, it isn’t fair” I pouted crossing my arms.

“We have our whole lives to get married baby, I just think we should wait a little that’s all” he explained placing his pants on. “No , I don’t want to wait its almost been 3 years Chres I need answers dammit, were almost 30” I said slamming the hamper down.

He walked over to me and held my arms together. “Look at you going crazy just calm down it's way too early for this okay I have every intention in marrying you. Just not right now babe” he said.

 “I'm not waiting forever, I will move on with or without you, ain't no way I'm gonna sit here and cook, clean, bake, and have sex with you 24/7 and I have nothing to show for it ughhh” I yelled showing my ring less hand.

Chres chuckled as he grabbed his bag “Then move on without me Cori” he winked walking out the door. But I grabbed his arm pulling him back “No, answer my question you keep ignoring my damn question” I scoffed. He laughed “Baby, you're going crazy  do you see yourself? Yes I want to marry you but not right now” he explained. I stood there raising my brows “Ohhh I see, I see,……. I see what it is now”? I said he threw his bag right back down and faced me challenging me. “WHAT”? He shouted making me jump a little.

“You still want your freedom card, you still want to go out to the clubs with your boys and do shit behind my back that I probably don’t know about” I said poking his chest. “You still wanna go out and fuck these bitches and just play with my emotions” I shouted getting teary eyed.

“Are you done yet”? he asked grabbing his bag

“No I'm not done but since you don't care just go to where ever you want to be, I can't stand yo ass” I shouted

“I  love you too” he smiled walking down the hall. While he was laughing and giggling I was truly serious I want to be married and start a family it seems like we’re doing the same repetitive shit and it's driving me insane.

A few minutes later after he left I left too I had a doctor's appointment. It was time for my check up I was kinda nervous.


I sat on the exam table waiting for my doctor to come in, I wish Chres was with me he always knows how to calm me down when I'm really nervous. I began biting my acrylic nails something I did when I was extremely nervous and it wasn’t cute. I heard the door open and my doctor came in with her folder in her hand

“Well Hello Ms.Cori you look good “she smiled washing her hands

“Thanks Doc” I smiled. She dried her hands and opened her folder. “Ok so has your anxiety gotten better”? She asked.

“A little bit I haven’t had an attack since the last time I was in the hospital” I explained.

 She nodded her head “Ok so I'll keep you on that medication a little bit longer just to be safe and as for everything else I looked at your blood levels and there's a lot of inflammation so I'm gonna put you back on humira” she explained

“Ughh I hate injecting myself with those things” I sighed

“I know but the other medication isn’t working unless I increase your dose, I can check into that but, for now I want you to start the humira back up again” she said

“Ok Doc I gotcha” I said scrolling through my phone. She wrote a prescription for me and handed it to me, I grabbed it smirking. “See you in 4 weeks” she smiled walking out of the door.

“Ughhh where is my boyfriend when I need him” I sighed placing my chin on m balled up hand.


I was at the school getting my boys conditioned for their next games coming up. I made them run laps and sprints. I blew the whistle “If I see one of ya'll stop you all are gonna start over “I yelled.

“Come on coach can we get a break”?

“Yeah I'm tired”

“And love and hip hop comes on at 8 we gotta be done by 7 coach”

I laughed at my lazy ass players I blew into my whistle “Sit down all of you” I said. They all sat down and I sat down right beside them. “Another speech coach” Trevon said. “Yes another speech from me, I don’t know I never understood how you all talk about being in the NBA and NFL and ya'll wanna act like lazy fucks” I snapped.

“Ouuu Waaaaa, You're a teacher you're not supposed to curse” Trevon said with his eyes widening

“Wrong, I'm not a teacher I'm a coach and this is after school hours so I can say whatever I please now back to what I was saying .If you all want to be successful you have to put in the work , you think the NBA and NFL will just call you and give you a position? I asked

“No, you have to earn it so when ya'll practice every day I want ya'll to do it like the NBA and NFL managers were here and ready to pick you for their team” I said. I heard the doors open and I turned around and saw Cori standing there looking helpless. “ I know you all are taking what I said into consideration now go back out there and finish those sprints before I make ya'll do 100 pushups” I shouted blowing the whistle. I walked up to her “Wassup boo” I smiled grabbing her waist and pulling her closer to me.

“I don't know I just missed you already and I needed a hug” she pouted hugging me tightly.

“Yeahhhh coach we see you get em” I turned around laughing “Get back to work” I turned back around facing her. “You sure there's nothing wrong”? I asked raising a brow. She placed her head on my chest “No Chres there's nothing wrong at all I just wanted be here with you” she smiled.

“I swear this woman is so bipolar I thought to myself. “ I heard you over there trying to be like Coach Carter” she giggled. “Well you know I try plus these boys are a piece of work but I have faith in them” I said watching them play. My phone started to buzz I looked down and read a text from Ju saying “Your ring is ready”. I cheered looking down at it, and then I looked back up to see her staring at me. “Who's that why are you so happy? She asked raising her brow

“Coach does Cori know that you want to-“ Shutup” I whispered giving him a deadly stare. “Practice is over” I shouted. “What was he talking about babe”? she asked looking confused

“Nothing just come on let's get some food” I said wrapping my hands around her waist and walking out the door with her.

Cori is going crazy she doesn’t know that Chres will be asking for her hand in marriage in no time lmaooooooooooo

The Ring is Ready

Something Short, Sweet and Simple

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