Chapter 56: Homecoming

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A Week Later

I laid on Cori talking to her like she could actually hear me the doctors asked me if I wanted to pull the plug because she wasn't making any progress but I refused. I just knew she would wake up. Everyone was depending on her , her friends , Tre especially he already lost his real mom to cancer he doesn't need to lose another. Our kids were depending on her put mostly me , she's my balance we balance each other out. I help her when she's down and she helps me make great decisions.

"Cori remember when we first caught feelings for each other ? You were being so stubborn carrying in all those groceries. We were so young too prideful to reveal our feelingsYou were mad at me and you refused for me to help you I thought that was so cute. That's why I liked you so much because you were so ambitious and independent. You were the only girl I ever dated that didn't depend on me" I chuckled.


I saw her walk up the steps with a bunch of bags. I was just about to turn the keys in my door. She was definitely avoiding me and it was the cutest thing ever.

"Need some help baby girl"? I asked

"No , I'm fine" she said opening her door picking up the bags

"So your gonna pick these up one by one? I asked

"YES I WILL , damn all these questions" she raised her voice rolling her eyes."Typical Cori" I laughed. I watched her struggle carrying her bags in and when she wasn't looking I picked up the rest of her bags bringing them in.

"I said I didn't need your help Chres get out"she yelled

"Who are you yelling at I was just trying to help you out" I laughed

"GET THE HELL OUT CHRES" she snapped

"You're gonna stop yelling me like you're crazy" I said calmly

"And you're gonna get out of my house"she said walking me towards the door.

"Sorry I can't do that sweetheart" I smiled. Watching her open the door. I pulled her hands her away and gently pinned her to the wall. "Are you gonna tell me what's wrong or are you gonna continue to act like a little girl? I asked

"Excuse me? She asked. "You heard me" I said. "Well I don't like how that fucking sounds"she snapped. "Take it how you wanna take it " I said.

"Get off me and go"she said

"Not until you tell me what's wrong"I said

"No"she said looking at the ground.

"Well I guess well both be standing here all night"I said

"The kiss" she sighed

"Really all of this over a kiss? I asked

"Yes , the kiss you led me on and then I go to the party and I see you coming out of the room with that girl. And I know you had sex with her so don't lie"she spat.

"But we don't even go out" I said

"That's besides the point .. That was supposed to be .....nothing" she said

"I like you alike Chres" she said

" I like you a lot too Cori , a whole fucking lot" I shouted

"Well you sure do have a funny way of showing it" she sighed

"I think I should go" I said leaving

End of Flashback

I cried on her stomach praying she would get up. "This isn't happening , Cori you can't leave me I won't be able to go on. First my mom but not you , not you too" I said holding her hand. I heard the monitor start to beep and her hands start to move. I excitedly jumped up watching her slowly open her eyes. "Stop being a wuss" she mumbled. "Baby" I smiled hugging her. "Don't you ever scare me like that again" I shouted holding her shoulders. The nurses came in filled with Joy I called Miss Trina and told her the news and she stormed up here.

"Ma" Cori smiled hugging her. "Oh my gosh I thought I almost lost you"she cried hugging her. Miss Trina called all of her friends and the rest of our family letting them now. The good news. "Where's my babies I wanna see them" she said beginning to get up but she almost fell.

"Whoa take it slow honey you just woke up from a coma" I laughed holding her up. "How long? She asked.

"A week" everyone said in unison. She sat on the wheel chair and one of the nurses rolled her down where the babies were at. We both stopped in looked out the window to see them sleeping. "Oh my gosh Carmelo is up"she smiled. "He's gonna be the busy one" I said

"I know right" she smiled. I was just in awe and amazed it's like she was never in a coma. I would of thought she would of lost memory or something which I'm grateful she didn't.

"I can't believe I almost lost you girl I would of gone crazy without you" I smiled holding her.

"I was never gonna leave you plus someone told me I have a lot of living to do" she smiled.

"And who was that? I asked.

"Let's just say moms in law had a little convo with me" she chucked

"My mom? I asked

"Yeah" she smiled. I didn't say anything there was nothing else to be said at the moment I was just happy. My wife is up from her coma and were just staring at our beautiful children that we created.

Awwww :)

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Sorry guys for the messed up format and possible errors my computer is broke and I'm typing on my iPad

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