Chapter 46: Pre-Parenting

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2 months later

I am now 8 months pregnant in my last trimester and I feel like I am about to pop at any minute now. My doctor told me that my due date is February 12th so we're going to have valentine's day babies and I am so happy and excited. Things are getting better, my father is getting better he moved to Brooklyn closer to us because of the Cancer Treatment Center he goes to. So I've been visiting him on a daily basis and continuing to build our relationship. He even spoiled me on a shopping spree for his soon to be grandkids. As for Chresanto we're fine I just think he's super nervous and stressed because in one more month they'll be here. We finally are legal guardians of Tre now and I've never seen Chres any happier, although he's still in school he can’t join team again until next year and he has to complete summer school to catch up. I'm also happy that I can now call him my son, Although it's still kind of weird to me I know it will take some getting used to. I also noticed that Tre has been avoiding me lately like he goes to Chres for all of his problems and seems to walk right past me. Which tends to hurt my feelings because I thought we cliqued the fastest?

I opened the door to my mother' s house. “Mommy” I called smiling. I knew she was in her kitchen baking that's all she does is bake and I don’t mind. “Is that my daughter”? She asked. “Well I am your only child” I laughed sitting on the counter. She turned around taking her oven mittens off her hands.”How are you feeling? She asked. “Uhhh overwhelmed the whole house is stressed and I'm getting better at it but I do have my days when I'm like lawddd I can’t go on” I laughed. She started smiling “I just think that it's so amazing how  you're going to be a mommy in and now time and how I'm gonna be a grandmother” She said. “I remember when you use to walk around the stores with me with your fisher price stroller strolling around your baby doll” She said.

“Aww Erica the doll, I loved that doll” I smiled. “I know, I just don't think you realize how happy I am for you and how blessed you are” She started choking up on her words.

“Oh ma don’t cry please I've cried enough” I joked. “You are blessed this is a blessing all those miscarriages and look what he's down for you, you have Tre and now you have two twins on the way to replace your lost. You're having a family you always wanted he just wanted it to happen in his time don’t you see” She explained hugging me. “Aww Ma I never thought of it that way”.

“I know you didn’t that's why I wanted to tell you” She pulled me away looked at me and gave me a kiss on the cheek. “I'm so proud of you” she stated. “Thanks Ma, You know I was actually thinking about getting my business together” I said. “You mean the boutique” She asked getting excited. “Yeah, I think after I have the twins I can start working on it I already been looking for some buildings in Times Square” I explained.

“Honey that's great but I don’t think you're going to be able to jump back up immediately after you give birth. They're going to take up majority of your time so you may have to put your dream to the side” She explained to me taking her cake from out of the oven. She hit a nerve and I completely lost it.

“Ma why are you such a dream killer” I whined.  “I am not” She took offense adding the frosting. “Yes you are mom ever since I was little you just sheltered me from everything because I was sick. Oh don’t be an actress because it’s hard for black actresses out here, don’t be a model because your weight goes up and down due to your medication, don’t be a dancer and move to L.A because you're sick and it's frustrating mom” I pouted. She wiped her hands “I'm just looking out for you, you're always stuck in la la land and you gotta think into reality sweetie” She explained.

“All I said was after I have the twins I want to pursue my dream and you're already telling me to put them to the side like what mom and I don’t mean to be disrespectful but just because you didn’t pursue your dreams as a singer doesn’t mean you have the right to burst my bubble all the time” I said. She didn’t say anything she just continued to do her baking. I rolled my eyes got and came over to her and kissed her cheek. “I'll see you later this week mom” I said leaving. She didn’t say anything I was always the bad guy because I'm expressing my feelings. It's the truth though I've missed out on a lot of opportunities because of my mother and her fear for my health. I didn’t mean to hurt her feelings I just wanted to let her know what's been on my mind for a while. I got in the car slamming the door hard I called Chres but he didn’t answer. I then called my sister to see what she was doing and I'm glad she picked up. I placed my Bluetooth on as I drove down the street.

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