Chapter 41: Panic Mode

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I slowly got up from the ground with the hand of my mother and father. “You okay baby? My mom asked. “No, I'm not I just want to go home” Mr. Carl was over there lecturing Chres and Jacob. I'm extremely worried, when Chres pushed me to the side I lost balance and fell taking a blow to my belly. And now I'm over here worried to death if my babies will be okay. My dad and my mother were placing the rest of our gifts in their cars. I felt weird seeing them work together and they barely talked to each other which I can understand. I crossed my arms waiting for Chres to unlock the door. “Chres unlock the door” I yelled. He looked over and quickly pressed the unlock button on his keys. I opened the door getting in and slamming it. I felt a knock at the window to see my mom and dad. I opened the door “Okay honey we're leaving make sure you call your doctor as soon as possible” she said giving me a hug. “Yeah what your mother said” he joked giving me a hug and kiss on the cheek.  Then Christina came up to me “Don’t be mad at Chres he didn’t mean it” She said giving me a hug. “When you become a mother you'll understand” I scoffed rolling my eyes. “Yeah I guess….I'll text you” she said closing the door for me. I just nodded my head I was growing impatient at the moment and I was mad as fuck.


I was stalling to get in the car with Cori I know she's gonna be down a nigga's throat so I tried to talk to everyone to avoid the situation but, I knew we couldn't. I hugged my family and got in the car. I looked over at her to see her staring at the window resting her chin on her hand. I was waiting for her to explode anytime but she didn’t say anything. “Baby are you okay? I asked nervously. I felt completely terrible for what happened and I know it's all of my fault. She didn’t say anything she just kept looking at the window avoiding me. I sadly pulled off and drove home thank god the hall is only 20 minutes from our home.

We arrived home and she quickly got of the car before I could open the door for her. She took the key out of her bag and opened the door. Silently walking in, If this is how it's gonna be for a while I don’t know what I'm gonna do. I followed behind her as she grabbed the house phone and started dialing a number. She looked at her watch and waited for someone to answer.

I called my doctor Susan to tell her what happened I was on panic mode but I wasn’t showing it. I waited for the phone ring until she answered.


“Hey Susan this is Cori, I know it's late but I had a little incident” I said looking over at Chres.

“Well I'm kind of busy but can you quickly tell me what happened? She asked.

“I fell really hard an hour ago”

“Ooo that's not good okay I tell you what, come see tomorrow at 10 am tops” She ordered.

“Okay see you then” I said hanging up the phone. Tre soon came walking in the door a few minutes later. “Are ya'll okay”? He asked.  “I'm going to sleep” I said yawning walking upstairs. I unzippened my dress and threw it in the hamper, took of my jewelry throwing them on the dresser and then I took my uggs off placing them back in my closet. Chres came in “So are you not gonna talk the rest of the night? He asked. I didn’t say anything walking towards the bathroom but he grabbed my arm pulling me back.

“Come on can you not give me the silent treatment” he begged. I let go of his arm and went in his drawer grabbing a long tee to sleep. “So you gonna take my things but not speak to me? He chuckled. I rolled my eyes turning around “If I talk about the situation I will spaz out on you so I'm just not gonna bring it up” I said.  He took his shoes off “I'd rather you curse me out then to not say a thing” he argued.

I ignored him going into the bathroom to wash my face I splashed water and facial cleanser on my face. I quickly dried my face off walking back into the bedroom. He was already in bed waiting for me I rolled my eyes turning off my lamp. I got in the bed facing the opposite way from him. I felt him wrap his hand around me but I quickly removed it. “Baby I'm so sorry” he apologized.


That Morning…

“So what happened again? Susan asked

“Well I was fighting and-“I cut him off “I basically tripped and fell extremely hard on the ground” I sighed.

“Okay Cori I'm gonna ask you a few questions okay? She said


Have you had any vaginal bleeding? No I answered

Have you felt dizziness or felt like you would faint? No

Shortness of breath? No

Uterine contractions? No

Decreased fetal movement? No

Fluid leaking from the vagina? No I answered

“So is everything is okay? Chres asked

“I believe so we can never be too sure so where gonna do another ultra sound today to make sure everything is okay and then later on this week I'm gonna schedule you for a External fetal heart rate monitoring just to make sure they're heart beat is okay” She explained making us feel a little better. She handed me a hospital gown to change in. After I changed I laid back as she placed the jelly on my stomach. She grabbed the probe and started rolling it around as we looked.

“Okay they're both breathing okay” She smiled rolling it to the left side. “See there's Boy A and Boy B” She pointed. “So since I fell what can happen to the baby? I asked.

Well the babies are well protected by your abdominal muscles; fat, thick uterine wall; and amniotic fluid, which surrounds the baby. So you should be fine but depending on how bad the fall it can cause miscarriage or brain damage but it’s rare that women have miscarriages at 6 months because the baby is quite developed “she explained. I was on the edge of my seat I wanted to punch Chres in his face.

“But don’t worry Cori they look fine we'll run some test on Monday okay” She insured wiping my belly and pulling my gown back down.

“Okay Susan thank you very much” I smiled at her as she walked out. I took my robe off and placed on my shirt and pants.” See I told you it would be fine babe”? He said. “Ummhmmm” I mumbled grabbing my purse.

How long ya'll think Cori is going to stay mad at him???

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