Chapter 2 : The Wedding

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Today was my best friend’s day and I couldn't wait; I always wanted to be in a wedding and the fact that I'm the maid of honor makes me feel so special. I still couldn't believe Chres and I are neighbors again it's really awkward and uncomfortable. I've been making sure I get into my condo quickly just in case he doesn't come out. I still know what time he leaves for work so I make sure I leave later than him. It was 11am and I was about to get in the shower. I turned on the shower letting the steam run. Until I heard a knock on the door. I quickly ran to the door and looked out of the peep hole to see it was neighbor Katrina she's a teenage mom. I opened the door 

"Hey Cori" she said holding her son
"Hey" I said looking around, you know what hurry up and come in" she came in and I quickly closed the door. 
"So wassup." I asked
"Can you please watch my son for me it's an family emergency and I have no one else to watch him" she begged
"Katrina ,I can't I'm in a wedding and I have to get ready like now" I explained
"I need you to watch him at 5 so you have time to get dressed and it's only for 2 hours" she explained

"Katrina you're killing me ,fine I'll watch your cute son, but I have to take him to the wedding and you have to get him before the reception" I explained

"Thank you so much Cori" she smiled gripping me into a hug
"You're welcome now go I have to get ready" I said 
"Oh okay gotcha"she said running and closing the door.

I was wondering how the hell I was gonna watch a baby if I'm in the wedding so I called my mother I figured she could just let him sleep on her throughout the ceremony since he's only one. I called and she quickly picked up the phone

"Hey Cori" She cheered 
"Good morning Ma I need a big favor"? I asked
"Yes" she said 
" I need you to watch my neighbors son at the wedding just let him lay on your arm or something I don't know or you and Christina can take turns" I suggested
"Okay that's fine" she said 
"Great, I'll see you later" 
"Ok bye"

Once I got out of the shower I placed my robe on.  And began curling my hair strand by strand.


Today my favorite cousin Jacob is getting married and I'm happy for him I would of never thought he would be marrying my ex's best friend. I sometimes wonder if Toni and Cori are still friends ever since that heated confrontation at Lisa's party 3 years ago. I was struggling to tie my tie.

"Baby" I called from the room
"Yes Chres"she said packing her things
"Can you tie my tie"? I asked 
"Sorry babe I'm leaving right now get someone to do it at the wedding" she said running in and kissing me fast on the lips 
"I guess I'll just tuck it in because you're no help “I scoffed struggling
"Sorry babe" she said leaving the condo.

Later that Day 


I was in the room with the bridesmaids getting my makeup done. I looked over at Toni and she looked amazing she had her hair in a side bun, with a long Cinderella white dress, gloves, and she was bedazzled with diamonds. I was still in disbelief that in an hour she would be tying the knot. I decided to make conversation with her so she wouldn’t be so nervous.

“I can't believe my girl is about to marry her prince charming” I smiled

“I know I can’t believe it either” she sobbed

“Oh no no no, don’t cry honey you're gonna mess up your make up” everyone said trying to calm her down

“Girl just imagine tonight, tonight after the reception you bout to get that good good” Paris laughed

“Girl Yasss” she smiled wiping her tear

“So Cori I heard you ex is the best man, how do you feel about that”? Toni's sister asked

“Uhh I think it's very weird and I would prefer he wasn’t here but I'll be okay I guess” I said

Lisa was in the mirror fixing her makeup and I wouldn’t dare look at her I paid her no mind like she was invisible.

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