The Villlage Houndsworth

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Two updates in two days! Wowee! Alright so I re-watched the anime and I didn't type what they say word by word, I changed it a bit so I don't get into trouble. ALL CHARACTERS BELONG TO THEIR RIGHTFUL OWNER.

"Holiday! Holiday! We're going on a holiday!" The servants sing together. You're sitting with Ciel; you turn around to look at the happy servants. You laugh along with them; Sebastian slightly turns his head from his place at the front to look at you. 

Sebastian's red eyes to pink again, Ciel notices this and smirks to himself. Sebastian turns his head back to the long never-ending road in front of him. 

Sebastian suddenly speaks which grabs your attention, "Do you hear how happy they are? They really do appreciate what you have done, Master." 

Ciel sighs, "Well I couldn't leave those four alone now could I? If we didn't take them, the mansion would've been burnt down or something." Ciel grumbles. 

Sebastian chuckles at what his young master said and stops talking.

After what seemed like forever, there is a sign on the road that says 'Welcome to Houndsworth'. The sign has a chain, next to the 'ordinary' sign there is a big tree with many chains just like the one on the sign. There are bones scattered around the tree, there's definitely something wrong with this place. 

"We have arrived." Sebastian says, his red eyes scanning the area. 

The servants jumps up from their seat and look around. 

Their faces has a look with slight disappointment and fear. 

Ciel looks at them, "Oh, I forgot to tell you all that the resort for the queen's plans have not yet been made." 

They all have a frown on their faces but say, 'Alright, master'.

After a while, there is a lady on the side of the road with a pram. (Alright let's say that your and Ciel's carriage thing was in front and also stopped). 

"Look! Why would a lady be all the way our here? Tanaka stop please!" Finny yells out. 

Both of the carriages stops to a halt, you hop out of the carriage along with Finny, Mey-Rin and Baldroy. The pram is stuck in a puddle of mud; you quickly walk over to her and pull the pram out of the mud. 

You give the lady a smile and asked, "Ah, there you are. Now where are you and your baby heading off too?" 

You look down to admire the baby, once you look your body freezes and your eyes widen. There is no baby; it is a skull of some type of animal. 

The lady gives a creepy chuckle, "Hehe hehe, dearie there is no baby. Your head is sure in the clouds." 

The lady gives another chuckle and continues on her way down the road with her 'baby'. 'My head in the clouds? Your head is in the clouds.' You think.

You turn around to meet your three new friends; they all have a shocked expression. 

Ciel looks at Sebastian, Sebastian held a worried expression as he stares at you. 

"That was really creepy." You comment and walk back over to the carriage. 

Sebastian is behind you in a flash and begins helping you up upon the carriage. 

You blush at his touch, it amazes you how he acts like nothing happened, but you on the other hand is totally opposite from his calm state. Now you're blushing like a flipping mad woman. You mumble a small thank you. 

Sebastian gives you a charming smile before he sits at the front of the carriage again. 'I swear he's doing this on purpose. Bastard.' You think while looking at the back of his head. 

"That's the reason why we are here, the villagers have been reported missing or have been killed violently or some have completely gone mad. I am here to make sure that this stops." Ciel says suddenly though doesn't earn any response, looking back to glance at the poor lady.

~Time skip brought to you by a flying kitty!~

After a while you hear a few gasps from the carriage behind you. "This is a place that is worth staying at!" Baldroy comments amazed by the sudden change of scenery. 

You look in front of you and see a big beach and a small village near it. The road also continues past the village and goes to who knows where. When the two carriages finally meet the village, they are greeted by silence. 

There is no laughter, no conversations, just pure silence. The only thing that is heard now is the sound of bells clinging together to make such a creepy melody. The two carriages pass by a house that shows a man and his dog. There are also other dogs in a cage but he pays his full attention to the dog in front of him. 

"Alright, now you have to lie down." The man says. The dog listened to his command and performed it. "Good boy!" The man congratulated his dog by giving him a small hug. 

You smile at this, you think it is so cute! 

You can hear Sebastian and Ciel talking about something when something that Sebastian says interests you. 

"I love cats; I'm not a big fan of dogs. To be more honest, I hate them." Sebastian says not looking back at his master. 

Ciel clearly wants to take an advantage of the said sentence and says, "Woof." 

'Well, wouldn't want to be getting a dog now. Would we?' You ask yourself and continue to look around. You can see people from inside windows looking down upon you. You don't mind it but it is sort of intimidating.

The carriage goes up a hill and leads to a mansion, clearly not as big as Ciel's but a mansion that could probably fit a lot of people. 

As you arrive, a lady with a maid outfit on comes out. "This must be the Phantomhive earl." The maid says, bowing slightly. She has white hair reaching her shoulders and purple eyes, mysterious like Sebastian's. 

"Yes." Sebastian answers. 

"Welcome to Barrymore castle." She greets.

Mey-Rin compliments her by saying she's lovely, Baldroy gives her a small smile and Finny just admires her from a far. Well not that far, he's only a few feet away from her. 

Everyone walks inside, "(Y/N), come with us." Ciel says gesturing to come follow him. 

You simply nod, whilst you were playing chess with Ciel, you both discussed the requirement of staying at his manor. 

Ciel said that you would have to work with him and Sebastian with cases, you agreed and here we are! Angela is the maids name; she is guiding Ciel, Sebastian and you to her master.

You all finally reach a room; you look around the room to find lots of animal heads on the walls. You feel slightly sick in the stomach, why kind of place is this? Your deep thinking is interrupted when you hear yelps of pain by Angela! 

A man is hitting her with a whip, "Why did you bring this Chihuahua? Where is this 'Phantomhive' you speak off? Can't you do anything right?" The man insults. 

You growl slightly, who give him the right to do that? You march right up to him and grab his hand from whipping her anymore. "I am sorry sir, but that is not how you treat someone whom serves you. You should be ashamed." You say before letting go off his hand and walking back to Ciel and Sebastian. 

Ciel has a shocked expression while Sebastian has a smirk on his face. 

"W-What?! Who gave you, a little bad dog, the right to tell me what to do?" The man yells outraged. 

"No one did, but I believe that you just shouldn't hit people. Drop the whip and let's get down to business." You snap angrily, giving him one of your coldest glares. Asshat.

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