Old Friend

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I'm hoping that everyone is enjoying this book X3. I hope you like your character Ruslanova! Just let me know if anything is wrong, I hope someone gets the pun I have inserted in this. Enjoy!

Question: Funniest character in Black Butler?

I look into those purple eyes of one of my old friends who I thought was dead, Ashlynn. "Hey (Y/N)." Ashlynn says.

I slowly start to walk backwards. "W-What? I thought you were..." I say not wanting to finish the sentence.

Ashlynn only grins and takes a step forward, "I found my way out." Ashlynn says. Ashlynn walks forward and envelopes me in a hug, I step back in surprise, she never really was the ones for hugs.

I slowly hug her back, Ashlynn pulls away and her face turns serious, "I've heard that they have opened up another horrid orphanage like the one we use to be in, they transferred all of the kids to the new one. We have to go save them."

~Ashlynn's P.O.V~

I stop talking, should I tell her why I'm here? Eh, may as well. If I didn't tell her now, then she would just find out later anyways.

"I heard from a little bird that you've been having flashbacks." (Does anyone see what I did there? No? Okay...) I tell (Y/N).

"How did you know?" (Y/N) asks.

"Well, maybe I will tell you later but for now let's catch up." I say to change the subject. I walk back to the door and grab the bags I brought here.

"You're planning on staying?" (Y/N) asks.

"Why, yes I am." I say and grin.

Sebastian and his master walk into the room, "(Y/N), who's this?" The young boy asks.

"Heh, well that's my old friend Ashlynn. She was in my flashback." (Y/N) says awkwardly.

I see Sebastian staring at (Y/N), I start to angry but I calm myself down.

"Oh? I am Ciel Phantomhive, this is my butler Sebastian Michaelis." The boy says.

"Hello, it is very nice to meet you." I say and give a smile.

Ciel only nods, "Reni, please take her bags." Ciel commands, who's Reni? No one else is here except for (Y/N), Sebastian and Ciel...

A girl appears, "Alright master." The girl bows and takes my bags.

"Follow me, miss." The girl says and I follow her.

"Another demon, heh?" Reni says and smirks a bit.

I smirk a bit too, "I guess." I reply.

"I could tell you were angry." Reni says as she stops at a door.

"Hmm? And how did you know that?" I ask.

"I can read emotions, you were very angry." Reni replies and puts my bags down. "Why is that?" Reni asks.

"Sebastian, he doesn't love me anymore. He's moved on." I snarl.

"How do you know?" Reni asks.

"Because he looks at her like the way he use to look at me." I mutter.

The Demon That Loves (Sebastian Michaelis x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now