The Village Of Houndsworth Part 7

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Hey everyone! Some of the things Finny does in this story aren't actually what he does in the anime. Alright, that's all! This chapter is terrible and very very short. Sorry! Enjoy...

~Finny's P.O.V~

Mey-Rin and I continue to walk around the castle. We reach a door that has light coming through it, Mey-Rin and I look at each other. We both walk silently to the door; we peek through to see Angela and this other man. The man licks her neck, I back away from the door unable to keep looking. I clutch my shirt where my heart is. I turn around and start to run. I run through the wall and away from the castle. I run through trees, knocking them out of the ground. I wipe my face to stop the tears. "Angela..." I whisper, ''Why?"

~Next morning~

~Your P.O.V~

I sit calmly on the seat next to Tanaka, waiting for the others to arrive. I yawn, yesterday was sure a big day. Baldroy, Mey-Rin and Finny walk through the door. Baldroy and Mey-Rin greets Tanaka and I. Finny doesn't look to well; he looks quite the opposite. I look at him worriedly; he's not himself this morning. 

I wonder what happened. "Good morning." Angela says walking through the door, with a tray with cups of tea on it. 

"Are you sure you are alright with walking around?" Baldroy asks curiously while smoking a cigarette. I frown and take the cigarette out of Baldroy's mouth and crush it. 

"Yes, I am fine. There is no need to worry." Angela replies, smiling softly while placing down the tray. "My master taught me to never ever forget my manners around guests." Angela says. Finny looks everywhere but towards Angela. "You're pale Finny, are you alright?" Angela asks, reaching out to touch him. 

He scatters away from her quickly, "I'm just not feeling too well. You can't touch me or germs will be upon you! Sorry!" Finny yells out while frantically waving his arms around. Finny quickly runs out the door, leaving a trail of dust behind him. Maybe I should talk to him; I just know that Angela has something to do with it. Angela stares out the door where Finny had just run out. 

I stand up quickly, "Excuse me everyone." I walk out the door, following the dirt pathway.

~Time skip~

"Finny!" I yell out. He looks at me; I continue to run towards him holding my dress in my hands. I join Finny on the broken tree. "What's wrong Finny? You can tell me anything, you know that right?" I say softly looking at him. He sighs and tells me everything. I frown, how could she do that? I think back to Angela and Henry. I shake my head; I pat his shoulder to comfort him. "It's alright Finny." I coo softly.

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