London Bridge

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Hi everyone! If you're interested in requesting reader insert stories, I've got a new book and I'm taking requests. Don't mind the title, I know it has nothing much to do with this chapter but I am honestly running out of titles. 

Question: Would you rather be a demon or a reaper? If a reaper, what would be your death scythe?

~Author's P.O.V~

After chatting with Grell and Fox, they soon left. You start to get a headache so you start to walk away from all of the crowds. It soon start to get dark but you don't care, you need to clear your mind. The further you walk the more distant the loud voices and music is. You are now in the dark parts of the town; there are lights that only shone down dimly giving a more eerie atmosphere. 

You start to hear a tune; you slowly walk close to where the sound was. It is the tune of London Bridge; you fail to notice a figure walking in front of you. You bump into a man, he looked around 17. 

The boy had red hair draped over one eye, black eye lines that formed as spikes around his eyes; he has a spade symbol on his pale cheek. He takes off his striped top hat and bows. "Sorry for that ma'am. I am Spade Keinz. May I ask, who are you?" He says. 

"It's alright; it wasn't your fault I wasn't paying attention to where I was going. I am (Y/N) (L/N)." You reply and jokingly curtsy. 

Spade grins, "What are you doing out here by yourself? It's getting quite late." Spade says. 

"I needed to clear my head, but now I'm actually lost and quite far away from all of my friends." You reply. 

Spade nods and thinks for a moment, "Would you like to sleep at my father's house?" 

"I wouldn't want to be any trouble." You say, not knowing if you should go with someone you have literally just met. 

"Trouble? You wouldn't be any trouble at all. Now come along." Spade says as he offers his arm to you. You link your arm around his and walk down the creepy road.

~Time skip~

Spade stops at a door, he opens it for you and you walk in. You look around everything was neat, Spade leads you into a room. "This will be your room for tonight, I hope you have a good rest." Spade says before shutting the door. "What a precious doll she'll be. Father will be proud." Spade comments before walking away completely.

~Sebastian's P.O.V~

"Where is Lady (Y/N)?" I ask, trying not to sound frantic. 

"I'm not sure, I asked her if she would like to come in the book store and she said no. The last time I saw her was when she was talking to a man with long red hair and a girl with blue hair." Reni says calmly. 

'Grell.' I immediately think. 

"We will look for her, Ashlynn take everyone home. If you wish, once you are finished you may join us." Ciel says. 

'I will find you, my kitten.' I think to myself, only wanting to have you in my arms once more.

The Demon That Loves (Sebastian Michaelis x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now